Posted: October 20, 2017
Math 8
-No homework as they did their test today.
Math 7
-We finished going over our practice test. Students have a test Monday.
Math 6
-We continued to work on order of operations today.
-Students are to complete Q 4 p. 72 for homework.
-Students also have practice questions on Mathletics to complete. Students are enrolled in two classes through Mathletics. 203 is the grade 6 material and Canadian math fluency is a review of math skills class. Mathletics gives instant feedback as to if the student was successful. It also send me reports of how they are doing and where their strength and weaknesses are. There are tutorial videos, practice questions, fun competitions and practice tests.
Science 7
-Today we talked about how temperature can affect the saturation of a liquid. We also talked about the three states of matter. Notes are posted below. We will be in the lab next Thursday and Friday.
Science 8
-Students wrote their test today.