Posted: September 12, 2018
Picture day for Middle school is TOMORROW (Thursday).
Please note that I was out this morning and students had math with Mr. Trevors. We will revisist material covered today in class tomorrow.
Science 8
- Students continue to work on their lab safety video project. Today we as a group discussed and came up with a list of what a 3+ project should have. Students were a part of the process of making the rubric for how the project will be marked. Students will have Thursday and Friday’s class to work on the project.
Math 8
-Students did a worksheet on multiplying integers. This is a formative assessment. We will be having a test Friday.
Math 7
-Students worked on models for adding positive and negative numbers. A formative worksheet was given.
Math 6
-We went over homework from yesterday and students did a second sheet on ordering and modeling positive and negative numbers. This is formative (practice) work that does not count for the report card but is to prepare them for the summative test. We will have a small test Friday. (Adding, subtracting, multiplying, positive and negative numbers).