
Posted: October 4, 2018

Math 6

-Our tentative date for an assessment (test) for multiples, factors and primary factors will be Thursday October 11th.   This may be moved depending on how the class does on the formative work.

-Today we did a review of all material covered this year.  We again went over the importance of reading the question.  Common multiples and common factors are not the same thing.  

-Homework is pg 65 Q3 c and d.  10 minutes of class time was given to work on these two questions. 

-Notes from today are posted below.

Math 7

-Students completed their formative assessment on divisibility rules.  Test is tentatively set for Tuesday and tomorrow’s class is devoted to reviewing and preparing for the test.

Science 7

-Today we went over the parts of a conclusion.  Students were then given time to write the draft of their particle theory lab.  Good copy will be due next Friday.

-We will be doing a lab next Science class Thursday.

-Tentative date for our first big test is October 15th. 

Science 8

-No class today due to assembly.

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