Posted: January 11, 2019
Math 8
-Today we worked on models for multiplying fractions.
-Homework Q 10, 11, 14 and 15 of section 3.1
-Mathletics tasks due Monday.
Math 7
-Students completed a formative assessment on equivalent fractions. Mr. Walsh then did a pull out for students that needed more review and re-teaching.
-Mathletics tasks due Monday.
Math 6
-We continued our work with improper fractions and mixed numbers.
-Homework will be page 164 Q 1, 2, 3. Questions are in the notes posted below.
-Mathletics tasks due Monday.
Science 7 and 8
-We have started STEM fair. Projects are due February 20th. For Wednesday students need to know which type of project they will be doing and what their topic will be. A handout explaining the types of projects and steps have been passed out. Students are encouraged to work individually. While some class time will be given, students are required to complete a large part of the project on their own time. Updates will be posted on the class website each week as to what students should be working on.