
Posted: February 12, 2019

Math 8

-Test first class.

-We started PEDMAS with fractions. 

-Homework P155 Q 4, 6, 9 and 10

Math 7

-We did a review from module 3 that was covered when I was out before Christmas.   Students are to complete p.113 Q 2 and 3 and p.102 Q 1 and 2 for homework. 

-Test was sent home to be signed and returned.

-video to review multiplying with base 10 blocks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Lf1Y8RVHk&t=38s


Math 6

-Today we worked with ratios.  Please see notes below.  Homework is p. 182 Q 1 and 2.  Students also reviewed integers in a group activity.


-Project is due to present to the class Feb 20th.