
Posted: November 3, 2016

Grade 6 and 8 tests are due back signed by parents.  This is now overdue.

Math 8

-Today we looked at how to estimate square roots of numbers that are not perfect squares.  Q 5 is for homework.

Math 7

-Students wrote their test today.  They will be passed back once the students who were absent today write it.

Science 6

-Today we went over what an independent variable, dependent variable and controls are.

-We also learn what a testable question is.  It is a question that can be answered by doing an experiment.  The questions needs to state what is being changed (independent variable) and what is being measured (dependent variable).  Students were given three structures that they could use to help them write a testable question.   Notes are posted below.

Science 8

-Today we talked about tissues, organs and systems.  

PDF icon nov_3rd_math_8.pdf181.04 KB
PDF icon nov_3rd_science_6.pdf177.26 KB
PDF icon nov_3rd_science_8.pdf4.8 MB