
Posted: May 6, 2019

Mathletics tasks due Sunday night.

 Math 8

-We did a review sheet on fractions.  Time was given to work on Mathletics.

Math 7

-We played musical multiplication.  We reviewed as a class how to add and subtract decimals.

-Time was given to work on Mathletics tasks.

Math 6

-We played musical multiplication.

-We went over how to subtract 3 digit numbers. 

-Time was given to work on Mathletics.

Science 7

-We reviewed using our notes and the study guide.  We also went more into detail about the <<preuve>> of the theory of continental drift.   Highlighters were used to identify key words in notes.

-Crossword and word search were passed out and time was given to work in groups to find the answers.  This is not for homework.

Science 6

-We did some scientific reading. Students shared two things they learnt from the reading.   The provincial assessment will have readings on new material and we are practicing our literacy skills.

-Students were able to pick their research project topics.  They were given suggestions of questions to answer.  This project will be presented at the end of the month.  Please see notes below.  This project will count in the science and environment section of the report card for science.