Posted: May 21, 2019
Math 8
-During our first class today we went over tessellations. We looked at some examples and did question 11 from the text.
-During our second class we reviewed N1 N2. We went over perfect squares, Pythagorean Theorem and pedmas using fractions. We did some sample exam questions together. Duotangs were passed back and students should be reviewing 20 minutes a night this week at home. District assessment will be the first week of June.
Math 7
-Students were passed back their duotang of marked work. Students are to bring this to class each day. They should be using it to review for 20 minutes night at home in order to prepare for the district assessment the first week on June.
-A review booklet was handed out for students to complete. Students will have tomorrow in class to work on this assessment. It is due Thursday. Students are asked to show their work.
Math 6
-Students were handed back their duotangs of marked work to practice for the provincial assessment. Students should be reviewing 20 minutes a day at home all this week. Assessment will be next week.
-A review assessment was handed out today. It contains all grade 6 outcomes with some sample questions. For review purposes, students may use their notes and duotang, but on the provincial they will not have access. This review packet is due Thursday. Students will have tomorrow’s class to continue working on the review. This review will count for marks.