Posted: September 10, 2019
Math 8
-We reviewed counter model for multiplying integers. We then learnt how to model multiplication on a number line. Homework is page 68 Q 8 c and d and Q 11 (pick one to model).
-Text book should be covered.
Math 6 and 7
-Grade 6- See notes below for review questions done in class. Worksheet was completed and corrected in class. No homework. We will start a new concept tomorrow.
-Grade 7 P. 58 Q 1, 3, 4, 5, 6. Time was given in class to work on this and most students were almost done. Please see notes below for examples of how to show your work.
Math 6
- We reviewed ordering integers, finding the smallest number and finding the biggest number. We then saw that we can represent numbers three ways: symbolic, developed and in a table format. Homework is page 48 Q 1 and 3 and page 50 Q 13 (make use of table in your text book).