Posted: November 21, 2016
Math 8
-We worked on how to solve Pythagorean theorem questions. Students need to review how to solve algebra problems. Q 5, 6 and 7 are for homework.
Math 7
-We started chapter 3. Students need to learn how to switch between fractions to decimals. They need to be able to make equivalent fractions with bases of 10, 100 or 1000 and then switch to decimals. Students are to practice by completing p. 88 Q 1, 2 and 3.
Science 6
We started our new unit on electricity today.
-Today we did some reading and discussions to realize that electricity use is all around us. Students are to build vocabulary by naming 10 objects/devices that use electricity and identify their main purpose.
-We also spent some time talking about the different ways we make electricity.
Science 8
-We talked about the digestive system, respiratory system and circulatory system. Students were given questions to help them focus as they read chapter 3. We will complete this assignment next class. Learning to read and pick out the important information is an important skill students will be developing over the next few classes.