
Posted: November 18, 2019

Report cards have been sent home.  They should be returned signed.


Math 8

-Students did a matching game to practice their square roots and perfect squares.

-We did a smart Notebook lesson.  See notes attached.

-Time was given to work on problems from the book but they are not for homework.

Math 6 and 7

-We did a group review and discussed the differences between what will be asked on the grade 6 and the grade 7 test.  Students decided that they are ready for the test tomorrow.

Math 6

-Formative test passed back.  Corrections are posted below.  Test is tomorrow.  These test do not count and are done before the student studies.  The scores are usually low.  Use them to help identify where you know the material and where you should review for the test.  The great thing about math is the only changes will be the numbers for the real test.  Make sure you understand what is being asked of you.  Also make sure you are showing your work.

Science 7

-Notes posted below on solubility and reading information from a table.  

-Students were to write the variables, testable question, hypothesis and procedure for the lab we will do next week.  This is due next class. (Monday)

Science 6

-We went over variables, testable question, hypothesis, tables and graphs.

-Time was given to continue work on the graph Ms. Arsenault gave them last class.