
Posted: January 13, 2020

Math 8 

-Today we reviewed 3 methods for how to multiply fractions.  We then learnt a third model that uses a rectangle. 

-Q 6 is for homework. 

-Mathletics due Sunday night. 

-Students should log into Reflex three times a week. 


Math 6/7 

-We did a group review today.  Students were then given a formative sheet to work on. 

-Mathletics are due Sunday night.  Students should log into Reflex three times a week. 

Math 6 

-We did a group review and then students were  given a review sheet that is due tomorrow. 

-Reflex is a program to work on basic Math facts.  Students advance to more difficult questions when they are able to complete math facts correctly in a quick amount of time.  Students should be logging in three times a week. 

-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night. 

Science 6/7 

-We went over how to write a testable question and hypothesis.   Last half of class was given to pick the topic and type of project.  Students need to write a testable questions and hypothesis for an experiment and write a problem if they are doing an 


Science 6 

-We reviewed testable question.  Students were given time to research their project.  Students are starting to write their testable question or problem.