Posted: January 16, 2020
Science 6 and 7 split
-We went over the planning phase. Notes are posted below and they include some rubrics. Tomorrow students will get their first “check-in sheet”. When they have it completed they will meet with me for feedback.
Math 6 and 7 split class
-We did a group review of grade 6 and 7 material. Work was passed back to be corrected and signed. The grade 6 students wrote their assessment. The grade 7 used Reflex and Mathletics to practice. Their assessment will be tomorrow.
Math 6
-Worksheet and formative assessment was passed back. Time was given for corrections. Some students attended a small group seminar to review. Other students worked on their Mathletics and Reflex. Test that counts will be tomorrow.
Science 8
-We went over the planning phase for both experiments and innovations. Students doing an experiment now have their first check-in sheet. When students have this completed, they will meet with me for feedback. Students will be working at their own pace, but I will be giving some guidelines as to where they should be. Please do not leave this project to the last minute. Please note that the project is due Feb 24th for class presentation and Feb 25th for the school Showcase. Parents will be invited to the school Showcase.