Posted: January 20, 2020
Science 6 and 7
-Students are working on the planning phase. Planning phase sheet is due by Friday. Each student will meet with me to go over their sheet. Projects due Feb 24th for class presentation.
Math 6 and 7 split class
-The grade 6 worked on reducing fractions. They also had time to complete their reflex work.
-The grade 7 learnt about subtracting fractions today using models. P 193 Q 3, 5 and 6 are for homework.
Math 6
-Test was passed back and should be signed.
-We learnt about ratios today. Page 178 Q 2, 3 and 5 are for homework
Math 8
-We worked from section 3.4 and 3.3 of the text today. See notes below.