
Posted: January 30, 2020

Jersey day tomorrow!!!!!!!! 

Math 8 

-No class on Thursdays. 

Math 6 and 7  

-The grade 6 finished their January review packet.   They could use their notes as this activity is to encourage them to review material previously taught. 

-Grade 7 – We went over the review sheet and homework from the text.  Students will write a formative test tomorrow. 

Math 6 

-Some students worked on the September to January review.  Some students worked on their Reflex and Mathletics.  A few students worked on some grade 7 fraction questions as and enrichment.   We will be having a practice test for ratios and percent soon. 

-New tutorial videos are posted in the ShowMe app for review in preparation for our next test.

Science 7, and 8 

-Students should have their planning sheet done.  Most students are working on the hypothesis and procedure.    Next week students should be “doing” the project and collecting their data. 

PDF icon jan_30th_math_7_review_for_test.pdf350.37 KB