
Posted: March 21, 2017

Math 8

-Today we saw that the balnce beam method is only used for algebraic equations that have positive terms.   Students should use algebra tyles for equations containing negative terms.   Q 6, 7, 8 and 10 are for homework from section 6.1

-Students are to complete their assigned Mathletics tasks by Friday.

Math 7

-Today we reviewed the difference between an expression an equation.   We also reviewed the balance beam method for modeling solving an algebraic equation.

-Today we learnt how to model solving algebraic equations using algebra tyles.    We will continue to work on this next class.

-Students are to complete their tasks on Mathletics by the end of the week.


Science 7

-Notes are posted below.

-Students are working on a heat project.  Time will be given Friday to work in class.  Presentation will be next Tuesday.