Homework and updates

Posted: September 9, 2020

Welcome back to another year of school at Gretna Green.   We have spent the last two days learning about the “new normal”.    The students are doing a good job of following the guidelines set out by district and public health. 


7/8 MM FI will be located in room 213.   In our classroom they are a "bubble".   This means they can work together on projects.   They may wear their mask in the class, or chose to hang it on their desk.   In the halls students must wear their mask and keep 1 m distance from other classes. 


This week 7/8 MM eat the first part of lunch in the cafeteria with their cluster.  Our cluster is the 7 B and 8 BD classes.  Students must sit with their class and remain 1 m from other classes in their cluster.   They will be outside second part of lunch by the ball field.   Next week we are in the soccer field and eat second part of lunch.   We will rotate through the different “play” areas changing each week. 

There is no cafeteria this week.   Please bring a snack for recess.  Recess will be in our class.  We have a water fountain in our class. 

Students are being asked to hand sanitize as they enter and leave the class.  


Please note that teachers are on duty at lunch this year.  We can be reached by email or you can phone the school between 2:30 and 3 pm.   Their is no extra help or work room at lunch.


If you have any questions, please refer to our operational plan, contact Mr. Commeau or myself at angela.mcquaidmurphy@nbed.nb.ca 


Students need to return to school three forms: 

Blue form 

Long white form 

Short white form 


Student fee is $25.