Homework Jan 8th

Posted: January 8, 2020


Math 8 

-We continued to work on section of 1 of the chapter today.  Notes posted below. 

-Mathletics is due at Sunday night. 

-Reflex is a program to improve basic math facts.  Students progress through the program based on their math skills and advance only when they master (become fluent) at the previous math facts. 

-We now have a “workspace” at lunch where students can choose to stay in and work on homework.  Laptops and iPad will be available for students to make use of Mathletics and Reflex memberships. 

-Extra help is Monday at lunch. 

Math 6/7 

-We started by having everyone do the grade 6 lesson on equivalent fractions. Thegrade 6 worked on page 164 vQ 1, 2, 3.  This is for Homework. 

- The grade 7 students continued with a lesson on section 3.1 and 3.2. We worked on modelling with shapes and number lines for addition questions.  Notes for math 7 did not export. :( 

-Time was given for students to work on Reflex and Mathletics. 

-Mathletics are due Sunday night. 

-Reflex is a program where students work on basic math facts and advance only when they master (become fluent) at the previous math facts. 

Math 6 

-We worked on a lesson together today and finished the class with page 164 Q 1, 2a and 3.  This is for homework. 

-Videos posted in ShowMe for review. 


Science 8

-We started our STEM projects today.  Students went over the options available to them.  Handout was given for the planning phase.  Notes are attached below.  Projects will be due and presented before March break.  School Showcase is planned for the afternoon of Feb 25th.