Updates from Mme McQuaid Murphy for the end of the year.

Posted: June 19, 2017

Today we had a presentation about technology use for our middle school students.  Tuesday, some students will be helping with the elementary activity day.  Wednesday we will be having an assembly for middle school awards.  Thursday in the grade 8 lunch and the baseball game in the afternoon. Friday will have our end of the year assembly and an early dismissal.  The year has quickly come to an end!

I asked students to fill out a feedback form for me today.  I am looking for what teaching practices I used that worked well for them and for suggestions of what to do differently next year.  These are done without student names.  Their are extra copies on the desk at the front of the class and an envelop to put them in when completed.  I truly appreciate the feedback as to what "things" have been helpful.  The feedback allows me to make better use of my time next year, but also alows me to make changes to beter help the students.   Did you use the website? Did you watch the Math tutorials on youtube and my teacher page? Do you like the Formative/practice tests? Do you like having the rubrics for test and projects on the form? Am I talking to fast in French? Was the amount of homework reasonable? Which lab activity did you like?  Were the review/warm up games in math helpful?   I will use the feedback to rework my classes and make them more meaningful for the students next year.

Students are passing in their last few assignments and corrections for me to consider when making up their final grade.   I kindly ask that they are pased in Tuesday at the latest. Most have passed in the ir work and this is for those students wanting to make some last minute corrections. Please feel free to email or send a digital copy to my email angela.mcquaidmurphy@nbed.nb.ca

It has been a great first year at GG and I thank you all for the warm welcome and team approach to learning this year.  Enjoy the last week of 2016-2017 school year and enjoy a restful  summer.   Bring on the sun and family fun!  :)