What we are doing in class.

Posted: December 2, 2020

Science is being more commonly known as STEAM: science, technology, engineering, art and math.   Tomorrow the grade 7 and 8 students will have a virtual presentation sponsored by Brilliant labs.  It will help the students to understand why ART is now being grouped with science.  Here is some information on the presenter. 


About the speaker: 


Lining Yao is an Assistant Professor at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) of Carnegie Mellon University, and an adjunct professor of Mechanical Engineering and Material Sciences and Engineering. She directs the Morphing Matter Lab, developing materials, tools, and applications of adaptive, dynamic and intelligent morphing matter from nano to macro scales. Research often combines material science, computational fabrication and creative design practices. Lining and her lab work anti-disciplinarily, publishing and exhibiting across science, engineering, design and art. In 2017, Lining gained her PhD at MIT Media Lab, where she combined biological and engineering approaches to develop physical materials with dynamic and tunable properties including shape, color, stiffness, texture and density. 




Math 7 


-Students will write a practice test on r, d, c and area.  Two assignments are in teams to practice triangles and parallelograms.  Students will also find notes, videos and suggested questions from the textbook to help guide their learning.  Click on class Notebook- click on your name- click on class Notes- click on the topic you want to learn about (scroll to the bottom). 


Math 7/8 


-Students worked on Christmas concert for the first few minutes of class and then had time to further their learning in math or science. 


-Next week grade 7 will have a test on area while grade 8 will learn the grade 8 concept of surface area.   


Science 7/8 



-Work period for project today.  Students should now be completing work at home for the projects.  Presentations for this class start Tuesday.