Posted: October 27, 2020
Math 8
-Students worked on order of operation questions from the textbook. P. 98 Q 21, 22, and 23. Mr. Connors and I were able to circulate and help students. Remember to put square brackets around the numerator and the denominator. A fraction is really a division. Q 21 and 22 are for homework.
-Students have practice questions on Mathletics and Netmath to complete before they write their test.
-There was also a practice assignment in teams for students to complete.
-An example from the text was put in teams class Notebook.
Math 7 from the split class.
-I worked with these students today. In our “seminar/direct instruction” we practiced how to figure out the relationship in an enter exit table. We went over how to write expressions and equations for a table of values. We reviewed how to construct a graph using the table of values. After doing a few examples together as a group, students continued their practice questions from the textbook. p 23 Q 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8. P 27 Q 1 and p 28 Q 2, 3, 4, 5. Please use the answer section at the back of the book to correct your work. Ask for help when you get a question wrong.
-Once textbook questions are completed you can practice for the test using netmath and Mathletics.
-I have posted in ShowMe some tutorial videos for review if you need them.
-Notes were put in teams class Notebook.
Math 7
-We had some direct teacher led instruction today. We went over how to write expressions and equations for data in tables. We then went over how to construct graphs. Time was given to work on textbook questions. p 23 Q 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8. P 27 Q 1 and p 28 Q 2, 3, 4, 5.
-Some students are working ahead and are now practicing for the test by using Mathletics and Netmath.
-Notes were put in teams class Notebook.
Math 6
-We did musical multiplication this morning to practice our multiplication tables. This should be reviewed regularly at home. The better you are with your multiplication facts the easier middle school math will be.
-We learnt how to construct graphs from information in tables. Mr. Walsh was with use today and we were able to help students to properly create scales. Remember each square is worth the same amount on an axis. X is always on the horizontal axis. X is the first column in a table and y is the second column. Coordinate points are (x,y).
-Homework was to work on the question that was on the board. It has been placed in teams class notebook.
Science 7/8
-Today we watched a video on water. The video highlighted what a hydrogeologist does. It went over underground water and how it is discovered in Canada. The video also discussed many of our new vocabulary.
-We went over the first half of the vocabulary from last class.
-Homework is to finish the questions on the work sheet.
-Notes and answers are placed in teams class Notebook.