Posted: December 8, 2020
Math 7 from 7/8
-Did a practice test.
Math 8
-We did a lesson on surface area of cylinder. I have put a video, notes and suggested practice questions from the textbook in Teams class Notebook. We will have a test on this next week.
Math 7
-Work period. Assignments were turned back in teams. We reviewed how to solve expressions when given the value of the variable. All Teams assignments should be done. Students will have time tomorrow to work on Mathletics assignments if they are not writing the unit test.
Math 6
-We went over the new ways to name 4 sided figures. We then learnt that perimeter is the distance around a shape. We did some examples together. I put a video, notes and suggested questions in class Notebook. Q 1 and 3 is for homework. Tomorrow will be a work period.
-In Teams click on class notebook- click on name- click on class notes- scroll to the bottom to see the study sheets for our upcoming test. After our work period tomorrow we will pick the date for the test.
Science 7 and 8
-We had some good projects today. Work is displayed on the middle level hall.