Posted: September 22, 2020
Math 7/8
- Locks were passed out today in class. Students had time to work on Reflex and cool math games.
Math 7
- We reviewed how to model subtraction of integers. Students had time to continue to work on questions from Page 69. Students can find the questions in their teams class notebook in yesterday’s lesson. Students are responsible to use the back on the book to correct their answers when done. Only problem questions will be gone over as a class. Some students had time to work on Relfex.
Math 6
-We did a review. We correct the questions from the textbook.
-We also went over how to multiply two digit numbers. This was identified as an area they had trouble with in our beginning of the year assessment. We will continue to practice it this week.
-Class notes were distributed in the team class notebook.
Science 8
-We recorded our observations from lunch. Observations can be notes, phrases and drawings.
-We reviewed terms and notes covered so far this year.
-We took notes on waves and tides.
-Notes were placed in teams class notebook.