What we have been doing in class.

Posted: October 8, 2020

Science 7 

-We had our pictures today. 

-We went over common French mistakes.  Students were given some time to work on leaf observations.  Tomorrow will be the last class time to complete this project.  If not done it will be for homework for next Thursday. 

Math 7 

-We went over division today.  We will do a short three question assessment tomorrow to identify who has it and who needs small group instruction. 

-students complete book work (p. 18 Q 1 and p. 19 Q 7 and 8) in our new unit of algebra.  More time will be given for this tomorrow.    

-We will be doing a flipped class model tomorrow.   I will be giving extra help as needed. 

-Remember notes and review tutorials are in teams class notebook. 


Math 6 

-We went over the tables from our work yesterday and learnt how to describe the trends in the table.  students had time to add the statement to yesterday tables. 

-We went over three methods to multiply large numbers.  Students will have a 3-question assessment tomorrow to identify who needs small group instruction.  Students can use whatever method they prefer. 

Math 8 

-We reviewed division.  Assessment tomorrow to identify who needs small group instruction. 

-Grade 7 went over new algebra vocabulary and then worked on questions from the text.  Feedback was given on yesterday's lesson. 

-Grade 8 continued work in the text on multiplying and dividing.  Notes placed in team's notebook.