
Posted: May 10, 2014

See below for information on, and registration for, Go for 42. How do I get enough energy to be physically active? Many factors influence our energy level during the day: what we eat, how well and how long we sleep, our stress level, etc. It is important to assess our lifestyle to identify if there is anything that can be changed. If you feel too tired to exercise, reassess you sleeping habits. If you feel you do not have enough time in a day, reassess where you spend your time and evaluate if there is a way to be more efficient. If you feel you have no

Posted: May 8, 2014

Local track & field enthusiasts have organized an excellent physical fitness opportunity for students in K-6 throughout the Miramichi area.  Track & field events will be organized for prospective participants in a fun and interactive format that will allow everyone involved to be exposed to a new sport and healthy lifestyle. Please click the following link for further details regarding upcoming events and don't forget to participate!

Posted: May 6, 2014

 The Gretna Green Home & School will be holding a fundraising BBQ on Saturday, May 10th at Wal-Mart from 11:00 am - 6:00 pm.  They will be selling hot dogs, sausages, pop and water. All funds raised will be matched by Wal-Mart Miramichi and used for various projects at Gretna Green.  If any parent is able to volunteer their time to help out with the BBQ, please contact the school at 778-6099 with the specific time you will be available to volunteer.  We can then set up a schedule for volunteers. 

Posted: April 30, 2014

Our annual Home & School Spellathon Fundraiser proved to be a huge success this year with over 4400.00 being raised!  The award ceremony was held today for those students who particpated.  Stay tuned for an updated image gallery that will reveal today's winners.  The H&S Executive would like to thank everyone who made this fundraiser such a huge success!

Posted: April 30, 2014

 Mr. Stewart received some wonderful news this week.  He was informed that he was one of three recipients of the NBTA Elementary Council Annual Teacher Award for 2014 in New Brunswick.  Mr. Stewart is being honored on Thursday, May 1st in Moncton.  He is being recognized for his many years as a professional leader in the field of education and proving to be revered by many as a professional in his field. 

Posted: April 28, 2014

 The entire learning community would like to congratulate Mme Dickson on her most recent honour.  She was selected to represent our district in the upcoming National Science Fair being held in Windsor, Ontario as a superisor.  Mme Dickson has been organizing our district fairs for years and has been an instrumental part in making them so succesful.  She is most worthy of this recent accomplishment.  Bravo Mme!

Posted: April 25, 2014

The Gretna Green Elementary School Drama Club and Choir will present their production of The Wizard of Oz on Thursday, May 29, 2014, at 7:00 pm.  Everyone is welcome! 

Posted: April 23, 2014

 Please remember that our Home & School Fundraiser has been extended to Monday, April 28th.  We encourage all of you to participate in this great fundraiser as all money raised goes directly back to Gretna Green to help support student based events and our breakfast program.  Check out our latest fundraiser promotional video ...

Posted: April 17, 2014

 Staff from 99.3 made an impromptu visit for staff at Gretna Green today.  They gave us an early Easter gift filled with free coffee and cookies.  A special thanks goes out to 99.3 for kicking off our day on the right foot and setting us up perfectly for Easter weekend!

Posted: April 16, 2014

 We would like to remind all Gretna Green parents and students that all staff will be involved in a Professional Learning Day on Thursday April 17th. Therefore, there will be no school for students on Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Monday. We wish to extend to all of you a Happy Easter weekend.  


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