
Posted: May 14, 2012

The 2012 Go for 42 challenge is starting at Gretna Green Elementary.This challenge encourages all school children in the Miramichi area to accumulate 40 kilometers of walking or running over a 5 week period. On June 24th all the participants are invited to complete a 2.2 kilometer distance on the streets of Newcastle-Miramichi in conjunction with the Rock ‘n Run Road Race, thus completing the Marathon distance of 42.2 kilometers. 

Posted: May 10, 2012

Students from Gretna Green Elementary and Harkins Elementary rocked it today with Paul Behnke and his Bully in the Purple Pants perfomance!  The performance was aimed at teaching students how to deal with bulllies. For more information on what the children learned today check out Paul's website.  See the image gallery for more pictures!

Posted: May 9, 2012

 Mrs. Simmons presented Gillian with her cash prize today as a second place finalist in this year's art contest sponsored by the Miramichi Salmon Association.  Bravo Gillian!

Posted: May 8, 2012

 Congratulations to Evan Valanne and Eden Maltby our Go Getter Students of the month for April! Also congratulations to our Dynamo Dragon classes of the month for April, Mrs. Gallant's Grade 5 class and Ms. Matheson's Kindergarten class.

Posted: May 8, 2012

 Erica Fitzpatrick led students, parents, teachers and GG alumni through an entertaining session of zumbatonics last night at Gretna Green.  The evening was organized as a means of continuing our fundraising campaign for our neighbors in Perth Andover.  $150.00 more was raised!  Thank you Erica!

Posted: May 7, 2012

Congratulations to Gillian Kennedy who won second place in the Miramichi Salmon Association Art Contest!  Great job Gillian. We are proud of you!

Posted: May 1, 2012

The Miramichi Police have been called to investigate recent vandalism at Gretna Green Elementary.  Our school community is very disheartened by the recent acts of vandalism.  We ask that our parents and community be on the watch to help us end this.  If you see anything that is concerning please alert the School Administration or the Miramichi Police.

Posted: April 30, 2012

This is a reminder that there is no school this week on Thursday, May 3  and Friday, May 4.  Thursday is the NBTA Annual General Meeting and Friday is NBTA Subject Council day.

Posted: April 30, 2012

Our Perth Andover Relief Fundraiser is off to an incredible start.  Last week the students at Gretna Green raised over $500.00 by participating in Theme Days.  Several students also took it upon themselves to donate on their own.  Jordan Rupke a Grade 2 student donated his birthday money and Gillian(Grade 3), Katie and Jenna(Grade 2) Kennedy donated $100.00 from their family. Riley Hardening's family and Katelyn Munroe's family also made donations to this great cause.

Posted: April 24, 2012

The staff and students at Gretna Green will be participating in a fundraiser to help the families of Perth Andover.  Last month, Perth Andover was hit with a massive flood that left many families homeless and closed businesses, the hospital and schools.    Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week will be Theme Days.  In order for students and staff to participate them must donate a loonie for each day.  Wednesday will be Hat Day,Thursday will be Painted Face Day and Friday is Cow Boy/Girl Day!!  We look forward to having fun and raising money for a very worthy cause.  


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