The Gretna Green Home & School continued their annual Christmas movie tradition at the theatre over the weekend. The turn out was great and a wonderful time was had by all. Thanks again to our Home & School executive and members. Your support and school involvement is very much appreciated!
Today marks the final day of Mr. Cabel's teaching practicum at Gretna Green Elementary. Although Mr. Cabel has only spent four months within our school his legacy of innovative projects, ideas and learning opportunities for both teachers and students will last for many years to come. His technological expertise was probably best exemplified with his recent production of our Christmas concert DVD! For those of you who purchased this professional keepsake you can thank Mr. Cabel for its overall quality. Thanks again Mr.
The talented students responsible for today's annual Christmas concert did not disappoint all those in attendance today. Rave reviews could be heard among the many parents and family members who experienced today's showcase of talent. Ms. Sheasgreen and her cast of actors and back stage helpers produced a memorable show today. Today's concert exemplified the positive learning environment that unfolds among our students at Gretna Green daily. Bravo team!
Ms. Sheasgreen, Ms. Bransfield, their fine crew of actors and back stage helpers are putting the final touches on their fabulous production for this year's Christmas concert on Wednesday, December 15th at noon. All those in attendance will also have the opportunity to buy a DVD copy of their play following the concert for $7.00. All contributions will be designated for student based activities throughout the year. So come on out and enjoy this fine display of student talent at Gretna Green Elementary!
The Gretna Green Home & School Association are delighted to present the delightful Christmas movie entitled, "The Polar Express", on Saturday, December 18th at 11:00 am at Empire Theatres. Tickets are $5.00 per student and can be purchased at the school. All students must be accompanied by an adult. The theatre concession stands will also be open. So hurry and buy your tickets, get comfy, put your pyjamas on and join us all in the holiday spirit for this excellent family experience!
Gretna Green recently received some news worth celebrating! We were designated the first official SMART SHOWCASE elementary school in the entire province. The teachers and students of Gretna Green have embraced the use of SMART technologies within our classes. A wide variety of SMART technologies are used by all of our learners on a daily basis. This has provided a diversified learning environment for many of our students. Bravo Gretna Green we are all so proud of this awesome accomplishment!!
All District 16 staff, parents and guardians, as well as the general public are invited to a Showcase of Word and Song at James M Hill Memorial High school between the hours of 4:00 and 7:00 pm, on Wednesday, December 8th, 2010. The experience will allow you to taste a variety of student musical performances, art displays and stories set in the mood of the holiday season. Donations of non-perishable items will also be accepted at the door for our local food banks.
The entire learning community of Gretna Green Elementary would like to officially welcome our newest addition to our teaching staff. Ms. Hitchman will be replacing Ms. Bransfield for the duration of her maternity leave. We all look forward to the positive energy and creativity that Ms. Hitchman will add to the learning environment of our students. Welcome Ms. Hitchman!
We are very excited to announce that Mr. Comeau will be acting Vice-Principal in the absence of Ms. Bransfield. Ms. Bransfield started her maternity leave this week. We wish her well and are anxious to meet her new baby due in January. We are also looking forward to having Mr. Comeau leading our school along with Mr. Buggie!