Take this time to give thanks to all those people around you that mean the most! We certainly have many people and things to be thankful for at Gretna Green. We would like to wish you all a relaxing and enjoyable long weekend and see you all on Tuesday!
Congratulations to our school Pumpkin Fling Team who participated in the ASD-N competition over the weekend and placed third! After two weeks of building and planning they created a winning catapult! Way to Ryley, Nathan, Aidan, Winston, Connal and Whitney.
Hey Gators don't forget about our walking school bus this coming Thursday, September 20th. We will meet at the Northumberland Sqaure at 7:30 am sharp. We will then walk to school as a group and start off our day with a great walk and exercise!
All parents and guardians are reminded of our Open House this Thursday, September 13th at 6:00 pm. We will be hosting this event outside near our playground so please bring your children for the evening. This is an informal event and a great opportunity for you to meet our teachers.
GG Foods Services is now up and running for a new season at Gretna Green. Our school cafeteria offers a wide variety of great meal selections for all students. Our awesome menu is now posted on the cafeteria tab found on the homepage of our school website. All profits made return to the school to help support student based activities throughout the year. A special thank you to our Board President, Renee Young Shaddick, and our parent volunteer board members for making this possible!
The entire learning community of Gretna Green would like to welcome you all back to another great year at Gretna Green School! First day of school for all students will be Tuesday, September 4th with the exception of kindergarten students who will be doing a staggered entry. There will be no cafeteria services the first day of schoolbut full service will begin on Wednesday. Elementary students are reminded to bring the school supply fees and middle level students should bring their student fee as well.
The entire staff of Gretna Green would like to thank our learning community for all their support throughout the year. Take this time to enjoy the summer holidays along with family and friends. We look forward to continuing to make great things happen at Gretna Green in the fall!
Middle School Tim Horton's campers will be receiving their "letters to themselves" this week. These were letters they wrote during their camp experiences this year. Please check out the following link for a slideshow of their adventures this year:
Congratulations to Grade 5 students TJ, Ashton, and Hunter, who collected 489 items during their recent food drive! That is amazing! Thanks to the GG community for being so supportive of the boys' efforts. The winners of the cupcake parties are 3 Lockerbie and 4 Savoy. They will be receiving their treats on Wednesday!