
Posted: April 9, 2018

Check out our recent recipients of Celebrating Student Bucketfillers (K-5) and Gators of the Week (6-8)!

Posted: April 8, 2018

This Thursday, April 12, all students and staff are asked to wear their favourite jerseys in support of the Humboldt Broncos hockey team, who suffered a tragic bus accident on the weekend.

Posted: April 8, 2018

Our Gators recently enjoyed an Easter Egg Hunt, with over 3000 chocolate eggs hidden in K-8 classrooms!  Our Middle School Leaders hid the eggs during our End-of-the-Month Assembly, then rejoined their own classes to participate in the hunt themselves.  A great time was had by all.

Posted: March 28, 2018


Every week we recognize those students who are filling buckets and being all-around great Gators. Here are this week’s recipients with our helper Bentley (missing: Brianna Walsh - KO - and Bethany Campbell).

Posted: March 26, 2018

Congratulations to all our elementary and middle school STEM Fair participants.  They did a fabulous job representing GG at this weekend's event.  The following students received medals:

Bronze - Caden Sullivan and Brady MacPherson

Bronze - Elias Adoubali and Jarrod Wilson

Silver - Dylan Peterson

Gold - Keira Fraser

Gold - Matty Lirette


Posted: March 23, 2018

Every week we recognize those students who are filling buckets and being all-around great Gators. Here are this week’s recipients with our helper Bentley (missing: Brianna Walsh - KO - and Bethany Campbell).

Posted: March 19, 2018

Our Middle Schoolers recently visited the Tim Horton's Camp in Tatamagouche, NS.  This trip was generously sponsored by our local community partners.  Follow us on Facebook (Gretna Green School) to see dozens of photos of camp fun!

Posted: March 19, 2018

The following winners were chosen at the recent Elementary STEM Fair:

3 Lockerbie - Marble Momentum (Caden Sullivan and Brady MacPherson); Think Fast (Matty Lirette)

3/4 Simmons - How to Make a Lightbulb (Elias Adoubali and Jarrod Wilson)

4 Savoy - Quelle solutions gardent les fleurs fraiches le plus longtemps?" (Keira Fraser)

4 Glazier - BBs v. Pellets (Dylan Peterson); Solar Power (Jack Mushet); Honourable Mention Makeup Wipes (Emma Matchett, Keira Waye, Annie Stewart)

Posted: February 26, 2018

The Earth Rangers conservation group spoke to all K-8 students this afternoon.  Check out our image gallery for more photos!

Posted: February 26, 2018

Our librarian Mrs. Chase, with the help of a group of "library cheerleaders", gave presentations about Australia to library classes recently, with the aim of encouraging students to discover new book topics.  Thanks to Mrs. Chase and our cheerleaders for showing students how the library can open up new worlds to students.


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