We would like to remind our entire learning community that there will be no school for all students on Friday, March 25th. This day is a designated professional learning day for all staff. Enjoy your extended weekend Gators!
Greetings Gators! This week is school spirit week and we would love to see you participate! A charitable donation of one loonie will be accepted daily and all proceeds will going to support the Miramichi Youth House. Let's support a great cause and have some fun along the way!
We would like to remind our entire Gator community that there will be no school on Monday, February 21st as it is Family Day for all of us! Enjoy the long weekend everyone!
We are happy to announce that Mme McQuaid Murphy and her amazing Gators have been busy getting ready for the upcoming online sale of some amazing student created products! Please click the link below for further details,
We would like to inform our entire learning community that students will be returning to in-person learning at Gretna Green tomorrow, Tuesday, December 14th, except for those that Public Health have directed to self-isolate. Thank you for your continued cooperation and we look forward to the return of our Gators!