
Posted: December 12, 2021

This is an important message from Public Health. Public Health has confirmed a positive case at Gretna Green School.  As per the update to Public Health processes, when there is a positive case confirmed in a school setting, all students and staff will now receive a letter from Public Health. As a result of this confirmed case, tomorrow, Monday, December 13th will be an operational day.

Posted: December 6, 2021

It's that time of year again! This is just a reminder that ASD-N informs students and families of school closures due to weather around 6:00 a.m. via local radio announcements and twitter (@asdnnb).

Posted: December 4, 2021

December 4th, 2021

Dear Gretna Green School Families:

Re: POSITIVE COVID-19 CASE AT GRETNA GREEN SCHOOL This is to inform you that Public Health has confirmed a positive COVID-19 case at Gretna Green. Monday will be a regular school day for students and staff, except for those who have been directed by Public Health to self-isolate. Your school will send another update tomorrow, Sunday, if there are any impacts to school operations on Monday.

Posted: November 25, 2021

We would like to remind our entire learning community that there will be no school for all Gators, tomorrow, Friday, December 3rd.  This day is a designated professional learning day for our entire staff.  See you all on Monday!

Posted: November 24, 2021


Posted: November 22, 2021

Hey Gators ... first term report cards will go home on Monday, November 29th.  Virtual Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday evening Decemebr 2nd from 4:00-6:00 pm and again on Friday morning December 3rd from 9:00-11:00.  

Posted: November 16, 2021

Hey Gator Community!  Just a reminder that our GG staff will be participating in professional development sessions on Friday, November 19th.  Therefore, there will be on school on this day for any of our Gators - enjoy the extended weekend!

Posted: November 14, 2021

November 14, 2021

Students, Families and Staff of Anglophone North School District, I am very pleased to share the news that we will welcome students and staff back to schools on Monday, November 15th. Job action with CUPE unions across the province ended this weekend. This means that all of our CUPE staff will be returning to work including our educational assistants, custodians, administrative assistants, and bus drivers.

Posted: November 13, 2021

Congratualtions to our Varisty Girls' soccer team who brought home the banner tonight and were crowned ASD-N Champions with a commanding 3-0 win over NSER.  The girls went undefeated the entire season and worked hard for this great team accomplishment.  Special thanks to coach Perrett and our parents for all of your support throughout the season!

Posted: November 10, 2021

Mr. Comeau would like to thank all GG families for submitting the photos of family veterans for this year's Veteran's Honor Roll slideshow.  They have been uploaded to our school website for your viewing.  Simply go to the "documents" tab and click on this link for your own personal viewing, WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.


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