
Posted: May 8, 2015

 Please join Ms. Bransfield and her fantastic drama crew for this year's drama production of The LIttle Mermaid. The big show will take place at Gretna Green on Monday, May 11th at 6:30 pm in our school gymnasium.  There is no entrance fee but we will be having a 50/50 draw so don't forget to bring in some spare change.  Hope to see you all there!

Posted: May 8, 2015

There is so much to celebrate at Gretna Green and yesterday was no exception.  Cole in Mme Gallant's class earned the Turnaround Award in recognition of his strong academic progress throughout his years at Gretna Green.  The evening event was a wonderful way to congratulate Cole for his hard work and efforts, bravo Cole!

Posted: May 4, 2015

The Gretna Green NBCC-Miramichi Video Game collaboration is once again underway!  This year, Aurora, Wesley, Chase, Nathan, Austyn, Mika, Ryan, and Alex are hard at work at creating a new game.  This year's game is called Rescue the Turtle.  Check out our pre-alpha build!

Posted: May 2, 2015

Congratulations to Mr. Ryan on receiving the Elementary Council Excellence in Teaching Award in recognition of his dedication and quality of teaching in Physical Education.  Well done Mr Ryan, we are all very proud of you!

Posted: April 29, 2015

Our new school renovation plans have been completed and look amazing! We have so much to look forward as this special project moves forward with construction to begin this June.  Simply click the link below for a view of floor plans and layout.  Please keep in my mind the class designated "general classroom" on the main floor will be interchanged with "elementary classroom" on the second floor.  This will allow us to have all elementary students on the same floor.

Posted: April 29, 2015

Our annual Home & School Spell-a-thon Fundraiser proved to be a huge success this year with over $4500.00 being raised! The award ceremony was held today for those students who participated. Following is a list of prize winners: 1st Place Fundraiser – Aliah D. – 5G 2 nd Place Fundraiser – T.J M. - 2A , 3 rd Place Fundraiser – Charlotte S. – KO.  Twelve movie certificates were also drawn for every $20.00 a student raised! The H&S Executive would like to thank everyone who made this fundraiser such a huge success! 

Posted: April 29, 2015

Mrs. Simmons and her class were treated to a special virtual guest during this week's skype in the classroom session.  Author, Paul Czajak, skyped in to speak to the students regarding his career path to becoming a writer.  The exchange between the students and author were exceptionally engaging with writing tips and ideas being exchanged from both ends.  Thanks to Mrs. Simmons for providing such a unique learning experience to our students!

Posted: April 29, 2015

Grade 4 students in Mrs. Simmons' and Mme Dickson's class presented their genius hour presentations to students and invited guests this week.  The session lasted the entire afternoon and allowed students to share their personally created slideshows and presentations based on a topic of interest to them.  The presentations were exceptionally well done and a real showcase of the talent that strolls through the halls of GG on a daily basis!

Posted: April 27, 2015

 All parents and students are reminded that this week is a three day week for students.  There will be no school on both Thursday and Friday due to Teachers' annual NBTA AGM and Subject Council.  Enjoy your extended weekend boys and girls!

Posted: April 23, 2015

The students and staff celebrated Earth Day this year with a buffet of great recycling ideas.  Mrs. Arbeau and Mme Gallant's classes proved to be the hub of great ideas yesterday. Students displayed there recycling ideas and explained their rationale with written stories.  Kindergartners Caden and Wynston created this cool checker made out of cardboard and tabs from aluminum cans.  Well done GG!


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