
Posted: November 6, 2012

 Some students at Gretna Green were provided with a unique learning experience today.  Local historian and authority of Miramichi history shared his knowledge in a series of recorded interviews with students Drew S., Drew Mac., Samantha, Isabella and Molly under the guidance of Mrs. Charlotte Loggie.  This project proved to be a great learning experience for everyone involved.  Stay tuned for the official viewing of these great vignettes of Douglastown history!

Posted: November 3, 2012

 The Healthy Learners in School Program with support from MANGO is promoting Healthy Breakfasts for Healthy Learners project during the month of November. Each week during the month there will be new information available to parents and guardians. Please visit to read about what makes a healthy breakfast and find delicious recipes.

Posted: November 3, 2012

 The monthly Go Go Getter student of the month award along with the Dynamo Dragon Class award were handed out on Friday.  This month's student awards were given to Nicolas Gallant and Ryelee Harding while the class awards were given to Mme Dickson and Mrs. Girouard's class. There are many fine students at Gretna Green and it is always nice to have a few of them recognized for their efforts!

Posted: October 31, 2012

 Mme Gallant and her students went on a "virtual field trip" to Croft Elementary today.  They skyped in Mlle Robichaud's grade 5 Intensive French class and shared some French stories they created via skype.  Having each student dress in their Halloween costume was a nice added touch!  Bravo mes ami(e)s!!!

Posted: October 28, 2012

 We would like to remind everyone that we will be adding another segment to this year's Remembrance Day program scheduled for November 9th at 10:30 am. There will be a running slide show of student art work for the ceremony in addition to veterans who have served in service both past and present.  If you have a photo of any family member who may have served in the army, navy, air force or peace keepers please forward a copy of this photo to Mr.

Posted: October 28, 2012

 Student Council held a very successful contest last week in preparation for Halloween Activities.  Two students successfuly guessed how many "CANDY CONES IN THE CAULDRON". Samantha Savoie from 4B and Jadyn Mah from 5G both guessed 47!  Congratulations to both girls and a big thank-you to all the students who participated!  Halloween activities will continue from Monday to Wednesday.  Sounds like fun!

Posted: October 27, 2012

 Congratulations to our school soccer team who won the District Soccer Jamboree for 2012!  The final game went to over time and the squad managed to work out a 2-1 win defeating Croft in championship game action.  It was a great way to finish off a successful season for the entire team!  The team would also like to thank Mr. Ryan for organzing this year's jamboree and overseeing coaching duties along with Mr. Ryan.  Thanks so much for creating this memorable experience for our athletes!

Posted: October 25, 2012

 Each and every year at Gretna Green Elementary parents volunteer countless hours without hesitation in order to help make Gretna Green a great place to learn.  Well, this week some of these volunteers were honored for their dedicated service towards our learning community.

Posted: October 16, 2012

 Ms. Page along with her awesome grade five students from Croft paid us a special visit today.  They gave us a great presentation on their campaign to collect non perishable food items while students are trick or treating for Halloween this year.  Any student wishing to participate can bring their non perishable food item to school the day after Halloween and we will make sure their items are delivered to the food bank.  Croft's goal is to collect 1000 lbs in non perishable food items for our local food bank.

Posted: October 12, 2012

 We now have a new section available on our school website.  It is called, Students' Corner.  It can be accessed by simply clicking the tab on the upper right hand corner of our school homepage.  Featured here will be a variety of samples of student work created by our awesome students throughout the year.  Take your time and check out what is being showcased, enjoy!


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