
Posted: September 26, 2012

Student version of O'Canada.

Posted: September 22, 2012

 Wow, the response we have had from our breakfast program fundraiser has been phenomenal!  We already have over 100 items collected in addition to numerous cash donations to our program.  You should all be commended for stepping up and making a difference at Gretna Green!  The fundraiser will end on October 3rd with a winning class being announced for both K-2 and 3-5 on October 4th. Simply click on the pie chart in this note for the latest class totals.

Posted: September 22, 2012

 A special message has been sent by the honorable minister of education, Jody Carr.  It can be accessed by clicking the link below.

Posted: September 22, 2012

 The Douglastown Lions have continued their annual tradition of supporting a grade five field trip once again this year.  This year's adventure took our students to the Miramichi Fish Hatchery.  The students thoroughly enjoyed their trip and this authentic learning experience.  Thanks so much Douglastown Lions Club!

Posted: September 20, 2012

 All students of Gretna Green were treated with "smiley cookies" today, compliments of Tim Hortons.  It proved to be a tasty treat for all and it surely was appreciated!  Thanks so much for the "sweet" surprise!!!

Posted: September 19, 2012

 Mrs. Morehouse is proud to present this year's student council for the acdemic year of 2012-2013.  The students ran an exceptional campaign and it was a great learning experience for everyone involoved. Featured in this photo are this year's council and they are: Front Row:  Vice-President- Drew MacTavish, President-Drew Sobey, Secretary-Katie Kennedy Middle Row: Class Reps:  Erin Trevors, Alea Sweeney, Ryan Dunn, Charles Hutchison, Maddie MacCullum, Nicolas Gallant Back Row: Class Reps: Molly Hutchison, Jenna Augustine, Evan Valanne

Posted: September 16, 2012

Our Home & School committee has been providing breakfasts for our students for some time now.  Now they need your support.  They are seeking donations of the following items, cheeze whiz, apple juice, and "Guest" strawberry jam.  A shopping cart will be placed in the office area for you to drop off your donations. Any donation amount will be much appreciated and we look forward to your continued support!

Posted: September 15, 2012

 Our school soccer team recently participated in the Nelson Days Soccer Jamboree and came out with a first place finish.  Mr. Ryan would like to thank his team for a great effort as they represented Gretna Green Elementary exceptionally well.  What a great way to start a season, well done boys and girls!

Posted: September 13, 2012

 The winning ticket for this evening's 50/50 draw was 680 253.  If this is your ticket please stop by the office to claim your prize!

Posted: September 13, 2012

Jaden and Samantha from Ms. Bransfield's grade 4 class have created a video in celebration of Roald Dahl day, today September 13th.  Simply click on the Students' Corner tab on the top of this page to view this great video.  Well done Jaden and Samantha!


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