GG students and staff celebrated a week of Hallowe'en activities... GG Colours Day, Crazy Hat/Hair Day, PJ Day, Orange and Black Day, and Costume Day! Grades 3-8 students were able to visit our first ever Haunted House. Middle School Students enjoyed a Hallowe'en Dance, while K-5 students participated in the annual Costume Parade.
Special thanks to Ms. Barton, her student Leadership Group, and all the staff and students who worked so hard to make this week happen!
Congratulations to coaches, Tom Burns & Greg Scott who lead our middle level Girls Soccer Team to another championship win once again this year. They defeated Nelson 1-0 as Madeline Landry scored the lone marker in the finals of the ASD-N Tier 1 championship game. Well done girls!!!
We would like to remind our entire learning community that our annual student fundraiser has officially begun and will end on Monday, October 23rd. Please make sure all orders and money is returned to the office no later than October 23rd. We have many great prizes for top sellers as well as leading classes. Good luck and thank you in advance for your support!
We would like to remind our entire learning community that our annual student fundraiser has officially begun and will end on Monday, October 23rd. Please make sure all orders and money is returned to the office no later than October 23rd. We have many great prizes for top sellers as well as leading classes. Good luck and thank you in advance for your support!