
Posted: December 7, 2013

 Our Immersion and Intensive French students attended a French play at Carrefour Beausoleil this week and truely ejoyed the holiday cultural experience.  A good time was had by all!

Posted: December 4, 2013

 On behalf of the entire learning community of Gretna Green we would like to thank Ms. Bransfield and her entire cast for producing a memorable Christmas production once again this year.  After several weeks of rehearsals today's show culminated into a quality spectacle of student talent for all those in attendance.  It certainly was a great way to kick off the holiday season.  Thanks Ms. Bransfield for making this happen once again this year!

Posted: December 2, 2013

 The tradition continues at Gretna Green with our annual Christmas Craft and Holly Tea scheduled for Saturday, December 7th from 10:00-2:00. So come one come all for a variety of crafts and treats.  We have reached capacity for vendors so the selection should be excellent!

Posted: November 25, 2013

 Gretna Green celebrated Monday Moustache Movember in support of our annual Movember campaign. Mme Dickson and her students encouraged the entire staff and students to take part in donating a toonie towards this great cause. The response from staff and students was phenomenal as you can see in this featured photo!  $325.00 was raised and will go towards our very own custodian, Sandy MacKinnon, who is undergoing treatments. We are thinking of you Sandy!!!

Posted: November 21, 2013

 The students in Ms. Cabel's literacy class at MVHS presented an assortment of awesome literacy lessons to our students in K-5 this morning.  They focused on writing traits, characterization, parts of a story and story writing.  They had a very captive audience and it was a great experience for everyone involved.  A special thanks goes out to Ms. Cabel and her students for doing a super job!  Check out our photo gallery for some of the highlights.

Posted: November 20, 2013

 Gretna Green is supporting the MOvember campaign and is raising awareness for men's health issues. All students that bring in a toonie will be given a mustache to wear on Monday, November 25th. Please help support this important cause!  Check out our student created promotional video in Students' Corner on our school homepage or by clicking this link,

Posted: November 19, 2013

 Randy Urquhart surprised our staff this morning with a load of coffee and treats from Tim Hortons.  What a perfect way to start our day for the entire staff at Gretna Green!  Remember ... you are way ahead in a Honda!

Posted: November 17, 2013

Energy Drinks and Sport Drinks  Energy drinks (ie. Redbull, Monster, Red Rain, Rockstar, Amp, Five hour Energy) claim to give you more energy and make you more alert. However, they are full of caffeine and sugar! They also contain other substances, such as guarana, that has 2-3 times more caffeine than a coffee bean. The amount of caffeine in most energy drinks exceeds the recommendations for children. Caffeine can cause nervousness, anxiety, stomach/intestinal upset, rapid heart rate, trouble sleeping, headache, fatigue, irritability and poor concentration. Therefore, energy

Posted: November 16, 2013

 We will be holding our annual Scholastic Book Fair this coming week from November 18th -21st.  Students will be visiting the Book Fair on Monday, November 18th to view all the wonderful English and French books the Fair has to offer.  Times for the Fair are as follows: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - 9:00-3:00 p.m. and on Thursday during parent-teacher interviews from 9:00-3:00 pm and again from 4:00-7:00 pm.  So come on out and purchase some fantastic books.  

Posted: November 14, 2013

 Mme Gallant and Mr. Cabel opened their students' eyes to a virtual exchange via skype today.  The students had the opportunity to speak with MVHS students and teachers along with their host families who are all taking part in a student exchange in Holland this week.  The dialogue was enlightening and a great way to reconnect to Miramichi students and give them a little a taste of home as they visit Holland.


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