Posted: December 5, 2016
Math 8
-Test tomorrow.
-Review packet will be passed out tomorrow.
-District benchmark will be done early next week.
Math 7
-We went over how to add decimals today.
-Tomorrow students will learn how to multiply decimals.
-Homework is to complete page 2 and 3 of review booklet.
-District benchmark early next week.
Science 6
-We learnt that scientist read the research of other scientist and build on and elaborate their work. We looked at examples from our electricity unit to demonstrate this. Students do not need to memorize this list of people but should understand that experiments build on previous work. That when we finish an experiment we often have another question or problem to further research. This is how our understanding of science expands.
-Notes posted below.
Science 8
-We did our perception survey.
-Students had some time to work on their research project.