
Posted: December 7, 2016

Math 8

-Students should be working on the review packet that was given.  Test are marked and will be passed back as soon as the last student writes. (one student was absent)

-District bench mark next week.

Math 7

-Test tomorrow on fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.

-Students have a review booklet and questions from the text that are to be completed for Friday.  District benchmark next week.

Science 6

-Today students learnt about static electricity.  We learnt that objects can give electrons to another object.  The object that gets the electrons becomes negatively charged and the object that gave the electrons has become possitive.  Opposite charges attract and like charges repel.  Notes are posted below.

-We also wrote a testable question togeter.  Remember that you need to state what you are changing (independent variable) and what you are measuring(dependent variabl).

Science 8

-We did our heart rate lab.

-Continue to work on research question.

Health 8

-Journal entry is due

-Time will be given next class to work on poster project.

PDF icon dec_7_math_7.pdf236.55 KB
PDF icon dec_7th_science_6.pdf661.69 KB