What we are doing in class

Posted: November 2, 2020

Grade 8 sweatshirt money and orders are due back.


Science 7 

-Quiz next class on notes from October 28th.  Students have a handout, but it can also be found in Teams class Notebook. 

Math 7 

-Test tomorrow on the algebra from module 1.   Review videos and questions posted in teams.    

Math 8 

-Two assignments in teams are now overdue. 

-Test tomorrow on order of operations. 

Math 6 

-We went over how to write expressions. 

-Time was given to learn how to pass in an assignment in teams and how to do a “quiz” in teams.   When they are marked, they will appear in the grades section of teams.   The focus is on learning how to pass work in on teams.    Students should be working on these two assignments at home if they are not finished.   Please let me know if you need help passing it in. 

Science 6 

-Today we reviewed the three types of variables: independent, dependent and control.    

-New material was learning how to write a testable question.  I passed out a handout of the notes.  We did two examples together and I circulated to correct them.   I created a science 6 class notebook in teams.  I put a copy of the notes there with the work that we did today.