Mrs. Walls - Archive - 09/2014 Notes

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Posted: January 21, 2013

Brrr!!  What a chilly week we have ahead!  Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather!  There are also lots and lots of runny noses and sneezes on the loose, so make sure you are drinking lots of orange juice!  We are continuing the review of our “Zoo-phonics” and “Capitals” this week.  Students are learning “Zoo aerobics” and revisiting some of our favorite “hardworking” zoo-phonics friends”.  I hope your “Sight Word Heart Necklaces” are coming along beautifully!  We practice sight words every day and students are very comfortable with them in the classroom! In Math, we have begun a unit called “Exploring Geometry and Measurement”.  We are learning all about sorting, building and making 3-D objects!  How much fun!!!  Check home folders for some of this weeks fun activities! In “You and Your World” we are still working on the five senses!  We have moved on to “Taste” this week.  We are learning all about the mechanics of tasting and how to differentiate between different tastes!  (sweet, salty, sour)  We also learned today that if you plug your nose, tasting is a bit harder!  For a fun “at home experiment”, maybe cover your child’s eyes and have them taste a few different foods to see if they can recognize what it is.  Then ask them to plug their nose and see if they can still do it! We have Library on Thursday; please ensure that our child brings his/her books back so they may enjoy a new one! Bundle up and have a marvelous week!!!   

Posted: January 17, 2013

Happy Thursday!    We have had a wonderful week so far, all of the boys and girls are working very hard to get three stickers a day! We have been reviewing our Zoo phonics on a daily basis, doing Zoo phonics exercises and playing games.  We have also been practicing our Sight Words and have been really enjoying playing a fun game called "Sight Word Hot potato.”  A note was sent home to parents yesterday regarding a "Sight Word Heart necklace."  Instructions were included with a variety of Sight word hearts.  Have your child cut out the hearts and practice saying/spelling them with you.  When you feel they are comfortable with the word and know it well, have your child put the heart on a string to eventually form a lovely necklace.We have been concentrating on “Capital” letters and where they belong in a sentence.We began a new unit in "You and Your World" on "The Five Senses."  We are starting with "SMELL."  Students have done a variety of activities on our sense of smell.  A fun activity at home would be to cover his/her eyes and ask them to smell different foods to see if they can guessWe finished up Unit 2 in Math and the students had an assessment on Numbers 1-5! What brilliant boys and girls! In Art class this week, we painted gorgeous outdoor scenery using large paintbrushes and four different colors.  When they were all dry, we used small paintbrushes to create "snowstorms" with white paint.Have an amazing week boys and girls!!!    

Posted: December 16, 2012

Count down is on!  We will be celebrating Yy and Zz this week.  Yancy Yak and Zeke Zebra. These are both tricky letters to form.  This week will be busy with lots of Christmas activities and songs of the season!Here is a list of student names:1.  Lauren A2.  Aaron A3.  Madison4.  Emily C5.  Olivia6.  Emalee F7.  Lorynn G8.  Ashton9.  Karlie10.  Tennesen11.  Timothy (T. J.)12.  Hunter13.  Autumn14.  Marley15.  Daniel16.  Regan17.  BriannaMerry Christmas to All!

Posted: December 10, 2012

Dear Parents, Looking at the class name tags this morning i noticed some students had more or less stickers then others.  We will be starting with new name tags on Tuesday.  Please do not send or allow your child to bring stickers for their name tags.  They earn the stickers as a whole group. Our guest teacher when I was absent due to health was a wonderful guest teacher and did her very best!  Thank - You for your co-operation, Nancy Walls

Posted: December 9, 2012

Celebrating letters "Ww and Xx" this 2nd week of December!   Monday  and Tuesday we will focus on Willy Weasel, Wednesday and Thursday we focus on Xavier Fox.  Friday we review both letters and have Show and Tell with articles that have  "w" or "x" in the name.  These are easily confused letters - w with m or u, x with y .  Have your child really look at Willie Weasel.  He sits on top of the letter.  Xavier Fox crosses his needles.  Willy Weasel makes his sound with his lips.  Be careful not to put any "uh's" on the end of the /w/ sound.  The sound is on the lips.  Xavier Fox is even tricker.  He makes either an /ex/ sound or a /z/ sound at the beginning of words and a /ks/ sound in the middle and the end of words.  Isn't learning English so easy?:)Oh,  I have many "ZooPhonic Alphabet Campfire Notebooks" left at school from Parent Teacher.  If you did not receive one please send an e-mail or note if you would like one.Sight Word - Here, here   Booklet to "read"  is Santa Things  Waiting for Santa - The focus this week is "We are wonderful weekly workers.   and                                                                             "We set an excellent example for others".To promote the whole class working co-operatively if during the time period (1 hr) the student the teacher is watching is a wonderful worker and an excellent example to others the whole class gets a sticker on their name tag.  The whole class can earn at least 4 stickers every day from Dec 3 to Dec 20.  What a beautifully decorated name tag every student should have.  One they know, they earned, by doing the right things!  Looking forward to a very busy and fun week!

Posted: December 3, 2012

December is here!   Starting into the  final month of 2012.   Excitement fills the air!Letter focus this week is U and V.   Ask about Umbrella Bird and Vincent Vampire Bat.  Have your child give the sound and signal.   Have them think about the animal shape for each letter.New sight word - Up  up.    Sight word poem for read to self and read to someone is  "The Rooster".Support your child as necessary as they "read".   Some words they will become sight words  or heart words  - Words they will recognize in other contexts.   Naming words are words they can get from the picture or from the sentence structure.  Using the picture is a skill we teach early readers to use and continue to use whenever they can!  Praise whatever your child shows you.  If it is necessary to  redirect, say " I like _________  but let's look at__________. We will also be reading a projectable book - " I pick up".  Ask your child to tell you some  articles the little boy picks up.  (After Wednesday class.)In   Math  we continue to work on number to 5.  Help your child with numeral formation.  Ask them to say the little rhyme that goes with each.Ask your child about "Waiting for Santa".   To help keep everyone feeling happy we are working on doing the right thing if anyone is watching or not.  How many stickers did the whole class get today?  ( Four is best)Looking forward to an upstanding and valuable week in Kindergarten!Christmas concert is Dec 19.   Check school webpage for info. 

Posted: November 25, 2012

Heading into the final week of November!   Focus letters this week are S and T.Have your child give the sound and signal for Sammy Snake and Timothy Tiger.  Also have them picture the animals in their minds and think of the letter shape and name that goes with each animal.New sight word - See   seeThe new poem this week is  " I  See"  and new little pocketbook ( this first little book your child can keep)  is titled  "I See My  Colors".   Enjoy your child reading from memory or from sight recognition of some of the words.  Praise all their attempts!   Support so they feel successful!  They are proud of what they have learned.Looking forward to a wonderful week with silly (joyful) and talented kindergarten students!

Posted: November 20, 2012

Posted: November 4, 2012

Posted: October 28, 2012

Looking forward to a kind and lively week in kindergarten!  We will continue to review all the letters with a focus on K- Kayo Kangaroo  and L - Lizzy Lizard.  Have your child show you the signal and sound.  Capital K  and Lowercase k can be tricky to form.  Check that your child is printing correctly.  It is difficult to retrain muscle memory so best to form properly from the beginning.  A fun way to practice letter k formation would be to put some ketchup on a square of tinfoil and print lowercase k.  Fun = Learning! We will continue work on numbers to 5 in Math.Poem to chant this week is  "On   Halloween". Let your child read to you.  Praise and give whatever support necessary.  If they are not looking  at the text during this first reading praise anyway.   Then help your child with 1:1 matching by having them use a strong pointing finger.  Lift the finger and put down under each word.  Do not have them point under the picture.  You can also ask them to find the word / The /  by putting a pointer finger at the beginning and end of the word. Help to find.  Praise attempts by saying "I like the way ..."  Encourage them to read with fluency.No new sight word this week.  Continue to practice - I, like,  the, a, is Lots of activities - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.   Check home page.  Costumes areto be worn on Wed. afternoon only.   Happy Halloween!!!

Posted: October 21, 2012

This week we will continue to "play" and work with all the letters of the alphabet.   At the same time we will focus on two letters  i  and  j.  They have similar features so can be tricky.   I  is one of the Hard Workers so has 2 sounds.   Inny Inch Worm can make the sound heard at the first of  insect and  it,  also listen for the  /i/ sound in the middle of words - pit,  did,  fit.  In some words i says  his letter name.  Listen for i in "ice"  and like.  Jerry Jellyfish makes the sound heard at the beginning of Jack and Jam.Our new sight word this week - " is".  We will continue with our Colors poem and write about some colors we like.  The classrooms of young children are alive with learning.   Whether children are following directions, working together, or playing a game, they need to know how to listen, use manners, co-operate, show respect, be fair, and be a good friend.  This week we will be starting a unit on being "The Best Me I Can Be".   We will begin with a skill that supports children's success in so many areas: listening.   In the book "I Can Listen" they will learn that listening is important for learning in the classroom but also at home and with friends.  In Math we will learn about "as many as,  more and fewer".   Thursday is Library.  Show and Tell on Friday - i and j articles.   The student council is having a candy guess jar.  Each guess is 25 cents.  Hopefully we will have a lucky winner in kindergarten! I am looking forward to this week with intelligent and joyful students!!

Posted: October 15, 2012

Welcome to another great and happy week in Kindergarten!  We will be learning letters "g"  and "h" this week.Ask your child to tell about Gordo Gorilla and Honey Horse.  Have them give the sound and signal.  Remember to ask the letter name behind the animal.  Find some things that begin with /g/ or /h/ sound.   Have fun!!    Continue to review sight words.  (A, a, I, like, The, the)  New this week - To, to.    We will also continue to learn about and practice "Read to Self  and  Read to Someone".  Ask your child to tell you 2 correct behaviours for Read to Self and Read to Someone. It's Fall and we see lots of colour so look forward to some colorful art this week!!  In math we will finish the unit on patterns and start number to 5. Enjoy the pictures of our glowing healthy kindergarteners "Reading to Someone" 

Posted: October 10, 2012

 Hello everyone welcome to our class page and another fun start to our year.  This week is Fire Prevention week and we will be listening to our Miramichi Fire Department about how to protect ourselves in case of a fire.  This week is a short one but I know it will be a good one.  Have a great week boys and girls!
