Mr. Glazier


Posted: September 30, 2020

Please send me a note and/or e-mail if your child is to stay after school. Your child(ren) will be sent on the bus if we do not receive notice. If it is for track and field for instance, once note will suffice for the season. Thank you.

Posted: September 28, 2020

Welcome back to our last week of September. I would like to commend your child(ren) for an awesome and smooth transition back to our new normal. 

Few notes:

  • Library will be on Tuesday's
  • Orange Shirt Day September 30th
  • Our class will be walking around the school grounds Friday afternoon to commemorate Terry Fox.
  • Picture Day October 7th.

French - I will be reading with students this week to asses thier current levels. I am also in the process of registering students to a reading website entitled "Je lis Je lis". Passwords will be sent home once complete.

Math - We are reviewing our numbers up to 1000. Students continue to practice their basic facts on Math Reflex as well. We will begin our first unit on Patterns this week. If the weather permits, we will be going outside to create our own patterns on our walking trail to share with the class.

Let's have a great week. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please send me a note or e-mail. Cheers :)

PS If you have any pictures of special events, etc., please send them along. We will share with the class.

Posted: September 21, 2020

Ella Pike Interview with CBC Radio

Posted: September 15, 2020

Introduction the Class of 2030.

Posted: September 14, 2020

This week we have been training and practicing with the iPads and Math Reflex program. We have been shown how to properly sanitize them as well. Math Reflex is a fantastic program that help's students master their basic math facts (addtion, subtraction, etc.) I strongly encourage student's to practice at home in their free time. There is an app available for free in the App store. You may login via Google as well "Math Reflex". Student's have memorized their passwords (first two initials of their first and last name along with 2 numbers). The username is gretna green. If you have any questions, please let me know. Refer to the link below to see what the hype is all about. Cheers!


Posted: September 14, 2020

Sur ma route

Fun video describing our new journey and school year at GG

Posted: September 8, 2020

Lave tes mains

Fun hand washing video.

Posted: September 8, 2020


Dear parents/guardians,

Communication between teachers and parents is very important. I hope the following information will help you understand certain aspects of your child's school year experience.


Please ensure your child has a clean mask for school. Reusable masks have been placed at all entrances if your child happens to forget or misplace their own. Hand sanitizer bottles have also been placed in all classrooms.


Physical Education will be taught by Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Lynch once a day for 30 minutes. Please make sure your child has a pair of sneakers in order to participate. Locker rooms will not be available to our 3-5 students.

English Language Arts:

The English Language Arts will be taught by Mr. Tozer. Students will receive 150 minutes of English throughout the week.

Book orders:

Scholastic book orders will be sent home monthly. This is a great opportunity to build your child’s French library. Your orders also help us earn books for our classrooms.


All your child’s homework and important notices will be kept in a green homework folder bag. Bags will be sent home after school. Please ensure bags are returned DAILY. Homework for the most part will include reading (books, sound sheets, poem, etc.) Homework will be due on Friday’s. On top of homework, whatever activities left undone by the end of the day and/or week will be sent home. Please ensure anything that can be sanitized i.e. book covers are cleaned prior to being returned.

*With that being said, I hope this homework bag will be easier to organize your family’s schedule, as I encourage children to get involved in extracurricular activities, play outdoors, spend time with family, etc. I do not hand out very much homework. At the least, students will have a new book to take home*

I will also be posting all information related to our class on our school’s website weekly. Please click on my teacher page Mr. Glazier. I will post class photos, videos, projects and audio files. Please keep checking my website for updates.  It is very important that you verify our school website on a regular basis in order to know what is going on with your child’s daily school life and any school event(s).

Other information:

  • Please send a note if your child will be absent or when there is a change in the child’s routine. Your child will be sent on the bus if I do not have a note stating that he/she should not take it.
  • Please ensure your child has a water bottle.
  • GG is a peanut free school.
  • Please contact me via e-mail if you have any comments and/or concerns. I teach from 8:30 - 2:25, therefore I will only be able to contact you via phone afterwards.

 Thank you so much for your cooperation. Remember that I have your child’s education at heart.

Let’s work together to make school a positive and safe learning environment for all!


M.Glazier :)

Welcome back! This will be our final week of home learning for 2019/20. The attached link was created by our French Immersion lead's . It is all about "Security/Safety." Please feel free to try some of the oral, reading, writting, and math actitivites provided. They range from simple grade 1 activities, to more challenging ones for grades 3 to 5. 

You may also continue to Math Reflex and Dreambox. Don't forget to check out Mr. Ryan's and Mrs. Morehouse's teacher pages as well for weekly challenges and videos. 

As always, I'm a simple click away if you have any questions and/or comments. I will be calling you all one final time this week as well. I look forward to wishing you all a happy and healthy summer vacation.

Due Date: 

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Posted: May 31, 2020

Welcome back! Teachers return to school this week in preparation for your report cards and professional learning. Looking forward to being back. It will definetly not be the same without students. Looking forward to seeing you all soon :) In the meantime, please feel free to check out this week's home learning options. As always, if you have any questions/comments, please reach out to me. Forward me any pictures as well and I would be happy to post them on my page. 

P.S. Skype this Wednesday at 11 a.m. 


Image Galleries

Added: Tue, Dec 17 2024


Added: Wed, Feb 12 2020