Mr. Glazier


Posted: November 18, 2020

Thursday, Nov 19th will be pyjama day. A notice was placed on our school FB page this afternoon. $1 donations will be going towards towards the Miramichi Bank Food Bank. 

Posted: November 17, 2020

Alternative seating whilst working, Ella's medals, Elena work a book at home.

Posted: November 16, 2020

Welcome back! I would like to congratulate the class for singing "Oh Canada" during our first ever virtual ceremony. The class did an amazing job singing in both official languages :) 

Few Reminders:

Tuesday - Library

Wednesday - SNAP with Mrs. Quan from Big Brothers Big SIsters

Friday - No school. PL day for teachers 


- We wil be wraping up our Fall related activites this week. Next week, we will begin discussing Christmas. After Christmas (FYI), we will be learning all about the province of New Brunswick in Social Studies and what makes us unique in Health.  

- Books will continue to be sent home throughout the week, so please check reading bags nightly. I read with 2 different groups/day.

- Our words of the week: une fille, un garçon, gros, grosse, grand, grande. Students will practice in their center's throughout the week. 


- Our small assessment on Numbers was written on last Thursday. I am very please with everyone's progress thus far. They will be sent home Monday to be signed and returned. I told the class that I would award bonus points once returned :)  

- We will commence our addition and subtraction unit. This week, we will be talking about doubles and almost doubles i.e. 6+6 =12, 6+7=13

- Mathletics as per our daily routine 

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

M. Glazier :) 

Posted: November 9, 2020

Welcome back! Our Remembrance Day ceremony will be live streamed via GG's Facebook page. Ceremony commences at 10 a.m. Our class will be singing "Oh Canada"

Few Reminders:

Tuesday - Library

Wednesday - No school


- We wil wrap our our Remebrance Day theme activities. 

- Books will continue to be sent home throughout the week, so please check reading bags nightly. I read with 2 different groups/day.

- Our words of the week: petit, je vois, pas, de, tu petite. Students will practice in their center's throughout the week. 


- We will have a small assessment of materials covered to date (representing numbers [N2)]. We will be moving on to addition and subtraction. 

- Mathletics with the iPads is also part of our daily routine. 

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

M. Glazier :) 

Posted: November 6, 2020

Vendredi with water paint :)

Posted: November 2, 2020

Welcome back! I trust everyone enjoyed their Halloween weekend. Students were excited to share their adventures en Français :)

Few Reminders:

Tuesday - Library

Wednesday - SNAP with Mrs. Quann from Big Brother Big SIsters

Friday - We will be water paiting as part of our October class challenge Dojo prize. 


- We will be practicing Oh Canada in French as part of our class contribution to our school virtual Remebrance Day ceremony. Live stream will be Nov 9th. Service will be recorded and uploaded as well.

- Books will continue to be sent home throughout the week, so please check reading bags nightly. I read with 2 different groups/day.

- This week's theme will be all about Remembrance Day. Once compelted, activities will be sent home in reading bags.

- Our words of the week: c'est, mon, voici, beau, belle, sous, bébé, papa, maman, il va, j'aime, bon. Students will practice in their center's throughout the week. 


-We will be skip couting forwards and backwards this week by 2,3,5, and 10.

- Mathletics with the iPads is also part of our daily routine. 

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

M. Glazier :) 

"Qui à, J'ai à" number sense math game, library and Halloween pictures.

Posted: October 27, 2020


If your child would like, they may wear and/or bring their pj's and a stuffy to school on Thursday aside from their Scary Hairy Orange and Black attire. The theme has NOT changed. I am simply doing this in my class as it was suggested by them to wear pj because of movie in the afternoon. Please do what is easiest for your family :) I would suggest orange and black a.m. and pj (if they choose) sent seperate in the afternoon during movie. We will have a small class celebration within our bubble. I will be play an educational French video well. Remember, "BYOT" a.k.a. bring your own treat applies due to Covid. Thanks.

Posted: October 26, 2020

Welcome Back! Friendly reminder for students to dress warmly with cold and inclement weather now upon us. I wish you all a happy and safe Halloween this coming Saturday

Few Reminders:

Tuesday - Library

Wednesday - SNAP (please refer to my teacher page)

Thursday - Crazy Hairy Orange and Black Day. (Students may bring a stuffy and blanket. I will be showing a Halloween video in the afternoon)

Friday - PL Day for teacher. NO school for students. 

French - We will complete our Hallowen themed activities this week. Books will be sent home throughout the week, so please continue to check reading bags nightly. I read with 2 different groups/day.

Math - We continue to stay the cource with Patterns and Number recognition activities. Mathletics with the iPads is also part of our daily routine. 

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great short week. Cheers!

M. Glazier :) 

Posted: October 26, 2020

On Wednesday, Oct 28th, Big Brother's Big Sister's will be delivering the SNAP program to my class for 8 weeks. Please refer to the link below with information regarding this program. My class has participated for the last 3 years. Thanks.




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Added: Wed, Feb 12 2020