Mr. Glazier


Posted: March 15, 2021

What a great weel to be a Gator! This week we celebrate Science Week, La Semaine de la Francophonie and St.Patrick's Day. Please refer to your school calander, our school website, and/or our school FB page for a complete list of activities. Today students have the pleasure to listen to Dr. Jennifer Russell and the role science has played in her career. 

Monday's session info:

Tuesday's session info:

Wednesday's session info:

Few Reminders:

Tuesday: Star Day and Library

Wednesday: Phelan Lucky Day

Thursday: Flag Day

Friday: Hat Day. We will also be goign outdoors. 

FRENCH - New Je Lis" website books will be assigned for the week. Please reach out if you have any questions. 


MATH - Zorbit Math and Mathletics  continues. We will be integrating geometry into our graphing lessons this week.


Social Studies - What makes NB unique will be our topic of discussion this week. WE will be talking about geography, population, natural resources, etc. 


Health -Thank you for the flyers. Students will be learning about Canada's new Food Guide and what consistutes healthy vs unhealthy options. 


If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

Posted: March 8, 2021

Welcome back! The month of March is upon us. Spring is just around the corner :) 

Few reminders:

- Tuesday library 


- Friday afternoon we will be outdoors.


FRENCH - New Je Lis" website books will be assigned for the week. Please reach out if you have any questions. 


MATH - Daily Zorbit Math continues. We will soon be wrapping up our graphing unit. Looking ahead, we will be learning about geometry. 


Social Studies - Student's will be finalizing their maps this week. We will soon be learning about everything that makes NB unique. Our geography, population, natural resources, etc. This will be incorporated into our morning routine.


Health - We will begin to talk about making healthy choices. I am asking students to bring flyers from home this week. We will be using the grocery flyers specifically to cut out, glue and categories items based on Canada's Food Guide. 


If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

Posted: February 22, 2021

Welcome back! Students and staff are looking forward to all the Winterfest activities planned this week.  

Please Note:

- Tuesday library and sliding (school will supply sleds)


- Wednesday snowshoeing (school will supply snowshoes)


- Friday Jersey Day ($1 SPCA donation)  


- ASD-N Winter Challenge continues.


FRENCH - New Je Lis" website books will be assigned for the week. Please reach out if you have any questions. 


MATH - Daily Zorbit Math continues. Students will create their own questions to tally and graph results.


Social Studies - Map work continues. Students are excited about completing their projects. We will display on hallway once complete.


Health - We will begin after March Break. Students will be learning all about Canada’s Food Guide and making healthy choices.


If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

Posted: February 19, 2021



*Monday:       Mix Mash Monday

                       mix your patterns and colors

*Tuesday:           Inside Out Day

                   turn your clothes inside out

*Wednesday:       Pink Shirt Day

                  wear a pink shirt for anti-bullying

*Thursday:                Backward Day

                      wear your clothes backwards

*Friday:            PJ & Crazy Sock Day

                    Bring a $1.00 to help support SPCA



Posted: February 17, 2021

Posted: February 17, 2021

Welcome back! I trust everyone enjoyed their extra long weekend :) 

Please Note:

- Wednesday SNAP Celebration with Mrs.Quann


- Friday is Jersey Day in support of the SPCA ($1 donation) 


- ASD-N Winter Challenge...The second annual ASD-N "Take Me Outside Winter Challenge" is taking place during the period of Feb 16-26th, 2021. All schools across the district are encouraged to take part in outdoor educational activities involving students and staff. Education is looking quite different across our district this year, getting outside in the Winter is easy, important, and beneficial for all. 


FRENCH - New Je Lis" website books will be assigned for the week. We will also complete Valentine assignements from last week. Please reach out if you have any questions. 


MATH - Daiy Zorbit Math continues. We continue as well to create bar graphs and in interprets results. 


Social Studies - Map work of Miramichi continues. Looking ahead, we will be talking all about NB (natural resources, topography, population, etc.)


If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

Posted: February 10, 2021

Friday, we wil be making Mindfullness Bottles with clear glue and glitter as part of our mindfullness lesson for health class. Please send in a small bottle if you have any laying around the house. Most stuents have brought one in already :) 

Posted: February 8, 2021

Welcome back! Our theme this week is Valentine's Day.

Please Note:

- Tuesday library


- Wednesday SNAP with Mrs. Quann. This will be our last session with Mrs.Quann due to last week's snow day.


- Friday is Hat Day in support of the SPCA ($1 donation) and Red clothes for Valentine's Day. 


FRENCH - Reading will now take place via "Je Lis" website. A notice was updated on my page last week. Student usernames and passwords have been placed in your child's lunch bag. Student's know which book they have to read this week. Please reach out if you have any questions. For those who have created a Duolingo account at home, please send/e-mail me their password and can practice here at school if you would like.


MATH - Student's continue with Zorbit Math daily. We will be conducting surveys in class this week and tally our results. Ultimate goal will be to interpret our results.


Social Studies - We will expand our learning to talk about continents this week. We are working towards completing our maps of Miramichi as well. 


If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!

Posted: February 5, 2021

For the remained of the year, FI students will be encouraged to use their “Je Lis” accounts as a home reading resource. Guided reading books will remain at school to practice and rehearse within group settings. Students will be assigned a book from their account by the teacher to read and practice throughout the week. New books will be assigned weekly. Username and passwords can be found on home learning account sheets that have been sent home earlier in the year. Please contact me if you require your account sheet. Further questions may be directed to Mrs. Bransfield. Thanks.


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