Mrs. Breau

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: September 22, 2022

Math - Please get Math test signed and return tomorrow.

FILA - Now that we have gone to the library. students need to read their French book for at least 15 minutes every evening.

We are going to do the "Terry Fox Walk" tomorrow. Students are encouraged to donate $1.00 if they can.

School picture "Access Codes" are being sent home today.


Due Date: 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Posted: September 15, 2022

Math - Study for your Integers test tomorrow.

***Friendly reminder to bring in student fee, kleenex, and signed forms if you have not already done so.

Due Date: 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Posted: June 3, 2022

Bring home June calendar

Math - Test on Equations on Tuesday.

Science - Finish sheets for Wednesday's class. Test on Friday.

Due Date: 

Friday, June 3, 2022

Posted: March 31, 2022

Math - Please get your Math test and Math facts quiz signed and return tomorrow.

Science - Please get your Science test signed and return tomorrow.

FILA - Read your French book for 20 minutes.

Due Date: 

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Posted: March 29, 2022

Math - test tomorrow on, "Large numbers". Math facts quiz on Thursday. 

FILA - read your French book for 20 minutes.

Due Date: 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Posted: March 21, 2022

Math - finish sheet,"Explorer les grands nombtes", if you haven't already done so. Review your Math facts or the Mental Math Strategy, "Percent of a Number" for quiz tomorrow. 

FILA - Read your French book for 20 minutes every night,

Due Date: 

Monday, March 21, 2022

Posted: March 17, 2022

Math - Finish questions #7-13 (with the exeception of #10) on Page 48 and 49, "Explorer les grands nombres" if you haven't already done so. Review the spelling of your numbers in French for quiz tomorrow. Please get your Math facts #3 or #3B signed and return tomorrow.

Science - review for quiz tomorrow on "Les êtres vivants et d'objets non vivants."

FILA -  Read you French book for at least 20 minutes every night. Everyone should have signed out a book during library time today.

Due Date: 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Posted: March 16, 2022

Wear something green tomorrow to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

Math - Finish questions #1-6 on Page 48, "Les grands nombres" if you haven't already done so. Review your Math facts for quiz tomorrow. Review the spelling of your numbers in French for quiz on Friday. 

Science - review for quiz on Friday on "Les êtres vivants et d'objets non vivants."

FILA -  Read you French book for at least 20 minutes every night. If you forget your book at school then go to the website, "Zone Jeunesse" and read some blogs. 

Due Date: 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Posted: March 15, 2022

Math - Please get your Math facts quiz signed and return tomorrow. Please study your Math facts for another quiz Thursday. Study the spelling of your numbers in French to help you write out large numbers up to a trillion. 

FILA - You should be reading your French book for 20 minutes every night. 

Due Date: 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Posted: February 28, 2022

Math - review for your test on Angles tomorrow. Finish assignments in Mathletics for Wednesday. Review for your Math facts quiz on Wednesday. 

This week is Spirit Week:

Greetings Gators!  This week is school spirit week and we would love to see you participate!  A charitable donation of one loonie will be accepted daily and all proceeds will going to support the Miramichi Youth House.  Let's support a great cause and have some fun along the way!

  • Tuesday- Hat Day
  • Wednesday- Dress Like A Teacher
  • Thursday- Crazy Sock Day
  • Friday- PJ Day

Due Date: 

Monday, February 28, 2022


Image Galleries

Added: Thu, Mar 23 2023


Added: Tue, Dec 21 2021