Mrs. Breau

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: February 17, 2021

Social Studies 6/7A - Test is now moved to Monday because of the snow day.

Science 6/7A - All projects are to be finished by Friday, February 26 and students will present them after the March Break.

Science 8BD - All projects are to be finished by Friday, February 26 and students will present them after the March Break.

Due Date: 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Posted: February 10, 2021

Posted: February 10, 2021

Math 6A - Test on triangles and quadrilaterals on Friday.

Social Studies 6/7A - Test next Wednesday. 

Science 6/7AWe are currently working on our projects. Students will present them during the week of February 22 - 26.

Science 8BDWe are currently working on our projects. Students will present them during the week of February 22 - 26.

Due Date: 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Posted: January 23, 2021

Posted: January 20, 2021

Posted: January 14, 2021

Math 6A - Test tomorrow on Balancing Equations.

Science 6/7A - Test tomorrow. Notes are in the attachment below.

Science 8BD - Test tomorrow. Notes are in the attachment below.

Due Date: 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Posted: January 13, 2021

Posted: January 13, 2021

Social Studies 6/7A - please get test signed and return if you have not already done so.

Math 6A - Test on Friday on Balancing Equations.

Science 6/7A - Test on Friday. Notes are in the attachment below.

Science 8BD - Test on Friday. Notes are in the attachment below.


Due Date: 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Posted: January 5, 2021

Social Studies 6/7A - Part 2 of quiz tomorrow.

Due Date: 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


Image Galleries

Added: Thu, Mar 23 2023


Added: Tue, Dec 21 2021