Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20

Mrs. Simmons Grade 3/4

Posted: December 7, 2015

Hour of Code

Posted: December 6, 2015

 Welcome back to another great week!  Only two weeks until Christmas holidays begin!!*This week is "Code Week". We are going to learn what Code is by participating in an Hour of Code.*Remember to wear warmer outdoor clothes and snow pants.*We have another Mystery Skype planned for this Friday afternoon! Language Arts - This week we are going to write and record an Audio Christmas Card for someone special.Math - We are going to learn about Extending Number Patterns and Growing Patterns this week.Social Studies - We are going to finish our Notebook presentations on our Canadian Explorer.Let's have another Superstar Week!

Posted: December 1, 2015

Congratulations on winning the Mathletics Marathon! We will be having our Pizza celebration for lunch at noon hour.
 It is Christmas Concert week at Gretna Green!! Our concert will be held on Wednesday December 2 at 10 and 12:30.  Remember to dress nice for the concert..-We have another Mystery Skype this week on Friday December 4.  We will be participating in the global #skypeathon.*Great work on Mathletics last week. We were in the lead for most of the week.  You are Superstars!!!Language Arts- This week we be looking at Syllables.Math - We will be starting a new unit on Patterns.Social Studies - This week we will start our Biographies on a Canadian Explorer. Let's have another Superstar week! 

Posted: November 21, 2015

 It is Mathletics Marathon Week at GG!  Remember to log on to Mathletics Sunday at 3:00 and start collecting points for 4S!* We have our 2nd Mystery Skype this week on Friday.* We will continie to practice our Christmas songs this week. Our Christmas concert is one week from Wednesday!Language Arts - This week we will be learning about transition words and working more with syllables.Math - We will be finishing the last lesson in our unit on Data ManagementSocial Studies - We will be starting our biographies on an explorer. Let's have another Superstar week!
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Posted: November 15, 2015

 It is Book Fair week at GG!!! We will be visiting the Book Fair on Monday and Wednesday from 9:00-9:30.It will also be open on Thursday eveing during Parent-Teacher.*Report Cards go home on Monday.*Parent-Teacher Interviews will take place on Thursday evening and Friday morning.  There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, November 20 due to Parent-Teacher Interviews.*We will be having our first Mystery Skype of the year on Tuesday afternoon.Language Arts - We will be working on the writing trait of Organization as well as reading comprehension stratgies.Math - We will be learning about Pictographs and Bar Graphs.Social Studies - We will be finishing our Autobiographies.Let's have another Super Star week.

Posted: November 10, 2015

 I hope everyone had a great weekend and I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather.*There is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday in honor of Remembrance Day.*Our Remembrance Day assembly will take place on Tuesday,November 11 at 10:15.*We are going to learn what a Mystery Skype is this week because next week we have our very first Mystery Skype of the year.Language Arts - We are going to work on the Writing Trait of Organization.Math - We are going to start a new unit of study on Data Analysis.Social Studies - We are going to start our unit on Exploration. Let's have another Superstar week!

Posted: November 6, 2015


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