Posted: December 7, 2015
Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20
Mrs. Simmons Grade 3/4
Posted: December 6, 2015
Welcome back to another great week! Only two weeks until Christmas holidays begin!!*This week is "Code Week". We are going to learn what Code is by participating in an Hour of Code.*Remember to wear warmer outdoor clothes and snow pants.*We have another Mystery Skype planned for this Friday afternoon! Language Arts - This week we are going to write and record an Audio Christmas Card for someone special.Math - We are going to learn about Extending Number Patterns and Growing Patterns this week.Social Studies - We are going to finish our Notebook presentations on our Canadian Explorer.Let's have another Superstar Week!
Posted: December 1, 2015
Congratulations on winning the Mathletics Marathon! We will be having our Pizza celebration for lunch at noon hour.
Posted: November 29, 2015
It is Christmas Concert week at Gretna Green!! Our concert will be held on Wednesday December 2 at 10 and 12:30. Remember to dress nice for the concert..-We have another Mystery Skype this week on Friday December 4. We will be participating in the global #skypeathon.*Great work on Mathletics last week. We were in the lead for most of the week. You are Superstars!!!Language Arts- This week we be looking at Syllables.Math - We will be starting a new unit on Patterns.Social Studies - This week we will start our Biographies on a Canadian Explorer. Let's have another Superstar week!
Posted: November 21, 2015
It is Mathletics Marathon Week at GG! Remember to log on to Mathletics Sunday at 3:00 and start collecting points for 4S!* We have our 2nd Mystery Skype this week on Friday.* We will continie to practice our Christmas songs this week. Our Christmas concert is one week from Wednesday!Language Arts - This week we will be learning about transition words and working more with syllables.Math - We will be finishing the last lesson in our unit on Data ManagementSocial Studies - We will be starting our biographies on an explorer. Let's have another Superstar week!
Posted: November 18, 2015
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Posted: November 15, 2015
It is Book Fair week at GG!!! We will be visiting the Book Fair on Monday and Wednesday from 9:00-9:30.It will also be open on Thursday eveing during Parent-Teacher.*Report Cards go home on Monday.*Parent-Teacher Interviews will take place on Thursday evening and Friday morning. There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, November 20 due to Parent-Teacher Interviews.*We will be having our first Mystery Skype of the year on Tuesday afternoon.Language Arts - We will be working on the writing trait of Organization as well as reading comprehension stratgies.Math - We will be learning about Pictographs and Bar Graphs.Social Studies - We will be finishing our Autobiographies.Let's have another Super Star week.
Posted: November 10, 2015
Posted: November 8, 2015
I hope everyone had a great weekend and I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather.*There is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday in honor of Remembrance Day.*Our Remembrance Day assembly will take place on Tuesday,November 11 at 10:15.*We are going to learn what a Mystery Skype is this week because next week we have our very first Mystery Skype of the year.Language Arts - We are going to work on the Writing Trait of Organization.Math - We are going to start a new unit of study on Data Analysis.Social Studies - We are going to start our unit on Exploration. Let's have another Superstar week!
Posted: November 6, 2015