Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20 Notes

Mrs. Simmons Grade 3/4


Wow Superstars it is the last week of January. How did that happen so fast?!  A reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on MONDAY, January 28th due to professional development for teachers.

There is no basketball afterschool on Monday due to the PD day. The game will be re-scheduled.

Language Arts - We are going to continue working on our January words as we will have a test on them on Friday.

Math - We are going to finish working on our strategies to subtract large numbers.

Science - We are going to complete our Stem challenge of creating a maze.



Let's have another Superstar week!


Posted: January 22, 2019

Tomorrow afternoon at 1:00 Grade 3/4 Simmons will be going on a field trip to Miramichi Regional Multicultural building.  We will have an opportunity to see an exhibit that is usually housed at Pier 21 in Halifax. The exhibit is called "Canadian". We will also have an opportunity to listen to immigrants, who now live in Miramichi, talk about their homeland, and why they came to Canada.

If you decide to not grant permission for your child to attend please email me at

Posted: January 20, 2019

Hello Superstars! I hope you have a chance to enjoy all the snow we got this weekend!

This week in grade4-5 basketball, the Green Team plays on Monday, January 21st  MAA @ GG. Game time is 3:30pm.

On Wednesday afternoon we have a field trip planned by the Miramichi Regional Multicultural Association called "Canadian".  We will have an opportunity to listen to immigrants who are now living in Miramichi talk about their homeland and why they came to Canada.

Thursday afternoon we will have our SNAP graduation and celebration at 1:15. 

Friday is Hat Day. For $2.00 you can wear a hat all day. All proceeds go towards the grade eight school trip.


Language Arts - this week we will be focusing on our January spelling words.

Math- we will continue working on subtraction strategies for large numbers

Science - We will have a STEM challenge on Monday this week.

Let's have another Superstar Week!


Posted: January 13, 2019

Welcome back to our first full week of school for 2019! It's going to be  a great week.

In basketball this week, the WHITE team plays on Monday, January 14th at King Street School. Game time is 3:30

Intramural basketball continues this week as well.

Remember to put an extra pair of socks in your bookbag in case you get snow in your boots during recess.

Language Arts - this week we are going to work on Writing Trait , Word Choice and Sentence fluency. Also we will be learning our January words.

Math - We are going to continue our centers for Subtracting Large Numbers

Science - We are going to the Stem Activity that we didn't have time for last week.

Let's have another Superstar week!

Happy New Year superstars!!!! I am looking forward to seeing everyone and hearing all about your Christmas break. Remember that school doesn't start until Tuesday, January 8.

There is no basketball this week for our grade 4/5 teams. The next games will be Monday, January 14th at King Street School for the WHITE team and Monday, January 21 at Gretna Green for the GREEN team.

Remember to bring snowpants, hat and mitts to make noon hour recess more fun!!

Language Arts - This week we are going to have our test on our December spelling words.  We didn't have time the last day to do this on the last day.

Math - we are going to continue working on subtracting strategies for large numbers.

Science - We will have a STEM challenge this week.

Let's have another Superstar week!

It's Spirit Week at GG and our last week before Christmas holidays!

Monday is Plaid/Flannel Day

Tuesday is Ugly Sweater Day

Wednesday is Pay $2 to wear a hat day. Proceeds go towards Grade 8 school trip)

Thursday is dress up like a Christmas Character day

Friday is PJ Day!!!

On Monday this week we will be having our SNAP reward. We will be watching a movie and enjoying popcorn.

We will also be working on Chrismas Crafts, Christmas MAth and Literacy activities this week!

Let's have another Superstar week.. Our last one of 2018!!!

Posted: December 9, 2018

Welcome back Superstars!! Only 2 more weeks until Christmas break. This is our Christmas concert week. Our concert will take place on Thursday morning at 10:00.  We will have a rehersal Tuesday morning at 10:15.

Our cafeteria will have a Christmas dinner on Wednesday at lunch. All orders must be in by Tuesday.

We will have our second last SNAP lesson this week on Wednesday instead of Thursday due to our concert.

Language Arts - We will be learning our December spelling words this week and we wll be completing different Christmas literacy activities.

Math - this week we will be working on subtraction with large numbers and graphing activities.

Social Studies - we are going to try to finish our community projects so we can present them next week.

Let's have another Superstar week!

Only three more weeks until Christmas holidays!! We are getting closer to our Christmas concert too!

This is the week of our Elementary School Christmas play.  We will get to see the dress rehersal Tuesday morning at 10:15. The play will take place on Wednesday evening at 6:00.

Grade 4-5 basketball "White" Team will play on Monday at Max Aitken Academy. Game time is 4:30.

The  "Green" team will play this Monday at MAx Aitken Academy as well. The game time is 3:30.

Our school book fair will carry over for one more day, this Monday.

Language Arts - This week we will be starting Christmas literacy activities.

Math - We will be learning how to subtract large numbers,

Health - We will have two SNAP lessons this week. Due to the storm day last Thursday we missed our weekly lesson. This week SNAP will be on Monday and Thursday.

Social Studies - We will continue to work on our community projects.

Let's have another Superstart week! 

Posted: November 25, 2018

Welcome to a four day school week!  A reminder that there will be no school for students on Friday, November 30 due to Parent- Teacher interviews and Professional Development.

Report cards will being going home on Monday. Remember to fill out the last page and return it with your report card envelope.

We have our scholastic book fair taking place this week! As a class we will be visiting the book fair on Monday and Wednesday afternoon.  The book fair will also be open on Thursday night during Parent-Teacher interviews.

Tuesday there will be a special presentation in our libarary. Some of our Superstars have been helping to prepare.

Basketball for both boys and girls in Grade 4-5 will take place afterschool Monday from 2:30 to 3:30.

Language Arts - We will continue working on the Writing Trait of organization and we will have a test on our November words.

Math - we will continue to work on our Fraction centers and adding large numbers.

Social Studies - We will be working on the presentation part of our Community projects

Health - we will have our next SNAP lesson.  Remember that we will get points if you tell me about how you are using your SNAP to solve problems this week.

Let's have another Superstar week!

Only 5 weeks until Christmas holidays Superstars!! This year is flying by. We will start practicing for our Christmas Concert this week.

A reminder to dress for the weather.  There is lots of fun snow to play in so you need to bring your snowpants and winter boots, hats and mitts!!

Basketball for grade 4-5 boys starts this week. The first practice is on Monday from 2:30 - 3:30.

Winners for our School Fundraiser will be announced on Tuesday.

Language Arts - we will continue working on the writing trait of organization this week.

Math- we will be learning about fractions this week and we will continue working with adding with large numbers.

Social Studies - we are going to start our projects on Communities this week.

Health - we will have our next SNAP lesson

Let's have another SUPERSTAR week!

Welcome back to school superstars. I hope everyone enjoyed their 4 day weekend.  A reminder that the weather is getting colder and we might have snow to play in so dress appropriately. Winter boots, winter jacket, snow boots, hats and mitts will make recess more fun!

Our school Spell A Thon fundraiser is over and all money collected should be returned Tuesday.

Language Arts - We will be learning our new November spelling words this week. We will also be working on the Writing Trait of Organization.

Math - We will be focusing on adding and subtracting large numbers.

Social Studies - we will be working on our unit on Community.

Health - We will have another SNAP lesson

Let's have another Superstar week!

Hopefully everyone remembered to turn their clocks back an hour this weekend.  Our mornings won't be as dark anymore...yeah!  A reminder that this week is only a 4 day week of school.  There is NO school on Friday as there is Professional Development for teachers. As well, there is no school next Monday due to the Remembrance Day holiday.

We will be having our GG Remembrance Day service on Thursday morning at 10:00.

The Spelling Test for our School Spell A Thon Fundraiser will take place on Thursday.  Make sure you are getting sponsors!!

Language Arts - This week we will be learning our November words and we will be learning what a Contraction is.

Math - We will be working on Measurment and adding two digit numbers.

Science - We will be finishing our unit on Soils

Let's have another Superstar Week.

Posted: October 28, 2018

It's Halloween Week at GG! Monday is Crazy Hair Day. Tuesday is Black and Orange Day and Wednesday is our Annual Parade of Costumes. The parade will be at 1:30 in our school gym. A reminder that you are not allowed to wear your costume to school. You will have time after lunch to change into your costume.

There will be a short assembly Monday afternoon at 1:30 to kick off our school fundraiser.

Remember to check your drama schedule to be certain what day you will have to stay afterschool.

Language Arts - This week we will have a test on our October words and we will begin learning our November words.

Math - We will be working on telling time and measuring with centimetre and metre.

Social Studies - We will be starting a Unit on Community this week.

Health - We will have our sixth lesson of SNAP.

Let's have a another Superstar Week!

Posted: October 21, 2018

Happy Monday Superstars!!! I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Remember that our mornings are getting much colder and hats, mitts and winter coats make recess more fun.

Wednesday is "Outdoor Learning Day" and we will be having one of our classes outside. We wll discuss this more on Monday.

This is the last full week of October!! I hope you are practicing your monthly words at home.

Language Arts - This week we will be working on a Halloween scary story.

Math - This week we will finish our centers for skip counting and comparing and ordering numbers. As well we will be working on patterns.

Science - we will continue to monitor the growth of our plants.

Social Studies - we will be starting a unit of study on Communities.

Health - We will have Lesson 5 of our SNAP program. I hope everyone is practicing SNAP!

Let's have another Superstar week!

Posted: October 14, 2018

Welcome back to another super week in Grade 3-4 Simmons.  Remember that the weather is getting colder in the mornings. Make sure you  have your mitts. hat and warm jackets.

This week we have another Coding session with Mr. Duplessie on Monday.

On Tuesday it is picture re-take day and sibling picture day.  You will only be allow to get a sibling picture if you brought the form back indicating that your parents want these pictures.

Wednesday we have another field trip. This time we are going to the Miramich Exhibition building for a "Green Fair" about recycling. Permission slips will be going home Monday.

Thursday we have our fourth SNAP lesson.

Cross Country - The last meet is this Wednesday at Miramichi Valley High School. Start time is 4:00.

Soccer is finished for this year. Congratulations to all our Superstars who attended the Jamboree last Friday!

Language Arts - This week we are going to continue to focus on "Ideas" for writing.  Congratulations to Rhylee for publishing our first story this year. Both Arwa and Marshall have stories that will be published soon!!

Math - This week we will be finishing the centers for skip counting and comparing and orderin numbers. As well we practicing how to write numbers in their expanded form.

Science - We will be planting our seeds this week in the Tower Garden and in our Hydroponics system.

Health - SNAP lesson four.

Let's have another Superstar week!


