Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20 Notes

Mrs. Simmons Grade 3/4


Happy Thanksgiving Superstars!! I  hope you enjoyed your long weekend and are ready for a new week of learning!  We are doing a great job practing our new skills(Treating others the way you want to be treated and greeting people with a smile and hello). We only have a few more circles to fill in on our Superstar board to unlock a reward for this week!!

This week is Fire Prevention week and there will be a presentation on Thursday morning. The theme this year is "Every Second Counts."

I am very proud of everyone for doing a fantastic job planning our first week of a full Daily 5.  The Daily 5 rounds were quiet and everyone was working hard.  Well done!!

There is NO SOCCER this week.  The regular season is over and a jamboree will take place sometime next week.

Cross Country - This week's meet is a home meet.  It will start at 4:00 at Gretna Green.

Drama - Remember to check your schedule to see when you practice.

Tomorrow is Library Day. Remember your libary book!

Language Arts - We will continue working hard on our Daily 5 routine and this week we will be working on the Writing Trait of Organization.

Math - This week we will finish our lesson on Comparing and Ordering Numbers.  Our weekly quiz this week will be on just the two times table.  We will be moving on soon to the three and four times table.

Science - This week we will plant seeds soil and begin our observation.  Also we will be learning about the Rock Cycle.

Let's have another Superstar Week!

Posted: October 2, 2017

A reminder that tomorrow is Library Day. Remember to bring last week's book back with you in the morning.

Posted: September 30, 2017

Congratulations Superstars on another awesome week!  You unlocked that last reward for the month. You will have 10 extra minutes added on to one recess this week.  For the month of October we have two new skills that we will be working on. The first is practicing the "Golden Rule"...treat others the way you want to be treated and the second one is smile and greet someone by saying "Hello or Good Morning".

This weekend is our first long weekend of the school year...Happy Thanksgiving.

Soccer this week: 

Team 1 Tuesday, October 3 GG vs King St. School @ King St. Game time is 3:30

Team 2 Thursday, October 5 Blackville at Gretna Green time is 3:30

Cross Country- this week's meet is at Metepenagiag. Start time is 4:00

Drama - Check your schedules to see what day you practice.

Language Arts - This week we will be starting our full Daily 5.  On Monday we will learn how to plan and organize your week for Daily 5.  We will also be learning about the ending "tion" "sion" and "cian".

Math - The majority fo last week was spent on finishing up Representing Numbers in Different Ways so this week we will begin Comparing and Ordering Numbers.

Science - This week we will be Soil Detectives and we will find out what kind of soil we found around the school grounds.

Let's have another Superstar week!

Posted: September 28, 2017

Tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day..."Every Child Matters"

Homework needs to be returned tomorrow ...completed.

Please return Homefolders too.

Our school Terry Walk is tomorrow at 1:30.

Posted: September 26, 2017

Please note that tomorrow is a half day of school.  There will be an early dismissal at 11:15.  Please ensure your knows their arrangements for the afternoon.

This is the first full week of Fall and our fourth week of school. Congratulations Superstars on unlocking another reward! You rock. On Tuesday you can eat your lunch in the classroom with me. I am looking forward to it.  This will also be your first week of homework.  Homework will go home on Monday and needs to be completed an returned on Friday.

*Wednesday is only a half day of school this week. The afternoon is Professional Development for teachers.  Dismissal will be at 11:15.

*Soccer - Team 1 plays on Tuesday at Gretna Green  vs Red Bank School. Game time is 3:45

               Team 2 plays on Thursday at gretna Green vs  Miramichi Rural School. Game time is 3:45

*This week's Cross Country meet is at Max Aitken School at 4:00 on Wednesday September 27.

*Our school's Terry Fox Fundraiser will start this week and we will have our Terry Fox Walk on Friday. We have a container in our classroom to collect spare change for Terry Fox Foundation.  A fundraiser collection form will go home with you this week too.

*Friday is Orange Shirt Day"Every Child Matters".  We will be learning more about this on Monday.

*This week we will begin our first GG Times Video about Terry Fox.

Language Arts - This week we will be learning the expectations for Buddy Reading and Listening to Reading. We will be completing Reading Comprehension activity and we will continue working on the Writing Trait of Ideas.

Math - We will have a post assessment on Representing Numbers and we will begin Comparing and Ordering Numbers.

Science - This week we will finish our Rock Detective activity and we will learn more about Sedimentary, Igenous and Metamorphic rocks.

Let's have another Superstar week!

Two weeks in Superstars, and we are doing awesome!  We unlocked our Superstar board twice and gained two rewards.  Great work!! Hopefully this week we will unlock another reward. Remember that the skills we are practicing for September are: Being Good Listeners and Lining Up properly.

*Tuesday is Picture Day.  Make sure your dress nice and have your smiles ready.

*Friday is the Walking School Bus.  Hopefully you can join us at the Northumberland Square Mall and walk to school with us. (Weather Permitting)

* Cross Country and Soccer continue this week.  

Soccer Team 1 will play on Tuesday, September 19@ Burnt Church.  Game time is 3:45. Alexander, Trenton and Caleb are on this team.

Soccer Team 2 will play on Thursday, September 21 @ NSEE. Game time is 3:30. Danika, Cohen and Nate are on this team.

The Cross Country team will have their first meet on Wednesday September 20th at Blackville.  The meet will start at 4:00.

Language Arts - This week we will be introducing Spelling to our Daily 5 routine.  We will continue with Daily 5 Reading and Writing. We will also continue working on the Writing Trait of Organization.

Math - We will continue to work on our Unit of Whole Numbers and ways to represent a number.

Science - This week we will be Rock Detectives and study the rocks that we gathered on our hunt last week.

Guidance - We will have our first guidance lesson this week with Mr Stewart.

Let's have another Superstar week!

Posted: September 13, 2017

A reminder that Meet the Teacher will take place in the school cafeteria tomorrow night at 6:00.  I'm looking forward to meeting parents.

Posted: September 10, 2017

We had a fabulous first week of school.  I am very impressed with how hard everyone worked last week on listening skills, co-operation and team work. We are definitely SUPERSTARS.

Soccer starts this week for Grades 4 and 5. Cross Country starts this week for Grades 3,4 and 5.

This week we will be practicing our Fire Drill and Lock Down procedures.  There will be school drills throughout the week.

This week we will be looking for Random Acts of Kindness.  When we see them, we will post the information on our school Bucketfilling Board.  This is to help out with #BeccaToldMeTo and Random Act of Kindness day on Saturday, September 16.

Wednesday we will have Mr. Duplessie visit our class.  He will be teaching us how to become good at video taping and preparing GG Times News segments.  Our class will be looking after the GG Times group this year.

Also on Wednesday, Mr.  Fred Fox will be visiting Gretna Green. He is the brother of Terry Fox. He will help us kick off the school Terry Fox Fundraising Campaign.

Thursday is Meet the Teacher Night.  Bring your parents to school to see your new classroom and visit with me.  This starts at 6:00 in our school cafeteria.

Language Arts - This week we will continue working on Read to Self and the expectations during this reading time.  As well, I will be introducing Work on Writing and Work on Words.  These are all parts of our Daily 5 time of day.  In writing we wll be focusing on the Writing Trait of Organization.

Math- This week we will continue with our Number of the Day and we will begin our Unit on Whole Numbers. Grade three will be learning how to represent numbers to 1000 and Grade 4 will be learning how to represent numbers to 10 000. We will also learn more about the computer game Reflex that we will be starting soon.

Science - We will continue to do team building activities this week as well as, we will begin our unit on Rocks, Minerals and Soils.

Art- We will be drawing our Self Portraits.

Let's have another Superstar week!!


Posted: August 31, 2017

Welcome to Grade 3-4

I look forward to meeting all my new SUPERSTARS on Tuesday morning. 

Just a few reminders for the first day:

Cafeteria service will not start until Wednesday September, 6(Make sure you bring your lunch for the first day)

Remember to bring in your School Supply money, indoor sneakers, a box of kleenex, your smiles and your positive attiudes.

Posted: December 18, 2016

This is our last weekly message for 2016 and only 4.5 days of school left before Christmas!! How exciting?!

*Monday, Mrs. Arbeau will be visiting to do Christmas Crafts with us.

*Wednesday is Pajama Day at Gretna Green

*Thursday is Santa/Elf Hat day.

*Friday is Red and Green day.

School will be dismissed Friday at 11:00 for Christmas Holidays.

Language Arts - We will be finishing our Christmas Personal Narrative and we will be recording our Christmas Audio Cards this week.

Math - We will finish our Pattern and Equation centers.

Social Studies - This week we will be presenting our Exploration projects.

Merry Christmas my Superstars let's enjoy the last week of school for 2016!

Posted: December 11, 2016

Only two short weeks of school left before Christmas Break!! That is only 9 and a half days!

*This week be our last week of Homework before Christmas break.

* Remember to dress for the colder weather and to have an extra pair of socks

in you bookbag.

*The cafeteria Christmas diner is this week.

Language Arts -This we are going to finish our good copy of our Christmas Personal Narratives.

Math - We will be finishing our Unit on Patterns and Equations.

Social Studies -We will finish and present our Exploration projects.

Let's have another Superstar  week!!





Only 3 more weeks of school before our Christmas break.  Time is flying, before you know it, it will be 2017!

Remember to dress appropriately for the weather.  Snow pants, boots, mitts and a hat make outdoor time much more fun. It is also a good idea to keep extra socks in your bookbag in case your feet get wet.

On Tuesday, we will be able to play on our new playground.  The swings haven't been installed yet but they will have to wait for warmer weather now.

Tomorrow is the dress rehersal for our Christmas Concert.  We will have an early recess at 9:45 and the rehersal will start at 10:00.

Our Christmas concert will take place on Wednesday, December 7 at 10:00. Make sure you let your parents know. 

Language Arts- This week we will continue to work on our draft copy of our Christmas personal narrative.

Math -  We will continue work on Patterns and Equations this week.

Social Studies - We are going to try to complete our Exploration projects so we can present them next Monday!

Let's have another Superstar week!

Posted: November 27, 2016

Welcome back to another fun week in GG4SS! The last week of November and the first week of December.

*Only four week left until Christmas break. Where has the time gone?

*Remember to dress warm for outdoor recess. The colder weather is here to stay.

*We will continue to practice our song for the Christmas concert this week.

Language Arts - This week we will continue working on our Christmas Narrative

Math - We will be moving on with our unit on Patterns and Equations.

Social Studies - We will continue to work on our Exploration projects.

Let's have another Superstar week!

We have a 5 day week of school ahead of us and it is going to be another great week!

*Drama practice continues this week.  Check your schedule for practice times. 

*Another reminder to dress for the weather.  It is damp and sometime a little wet outside. An extra pair of socks in your bookbag would be helpful.

*We will be continuing to practice our Christmas song for the Christmas Concert this week.

Language Arts - This week we will be starting a Christmas Narrative in writing and we will continue working on word families.

Math - We will be starting a new unit on Patterns and Relations.

Social Studies - Monday we will start researching a Canadian Explorer.

Let's have another Superstar week!


