Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20 Notes

Mrs. Simmons Grade 3/4


Posted: April 17, 2018

Due to today‘s stormday our Music Festival performance will be re-scheduled for Friday morning at 10:45 at JMH. Remember to bring your ball hats and where black!

Welcome back Superstars to a five day week of school(if the weather co-operates). This is Music Festival Week! We will be going to JMH to present our Choral Reading on Tuesday at 10:45. Remember to wear black pants and to bring a ball hat!  I am very proud of you for all your hardwork. The choral reading is sounding awesome!  On Monday we will present it to Mme. Lockerbie's class and to both Kindergarten classes.

The Choir will be going to JMH to present at the Music Festival tomorrow morning leaving at 9:00.

Remember to throw an extra pair of socks in your bookbag.  The weather is getting warmer which means the playground will be getting wetter.

Language Arts - This week we will be finishing our Narrative Writing and we will be learning about when to use "oi" and "oy".

Math - We will be finishing our unit on fractions and we will have a unit test.

Science - We will be starting our Habitat Projects this week.

Music - We will be presenting our Choral Reading this week at the Music Festival!

Let's have another Superstar week!

Posted: April 8, 2018

Welcome to another Spring week Superstars! Hopefully the weather with co-operate and we will get to go outside.

Reports cards go home on Monday and this means that Parent-Teacher is this week too! PT Interviews will be Thursday evening and Friday morning.  There is NO SCHOOL on Friday of this week.

Our Scholastic Book fair is taking place all week. As a class we will visit the book fair on Monday and Tuesday morning at 9:30.

Our Choral Reading is coming together great! Remember to return your permission slips to school for the Music Festival next week.

Thursday will be Jersey Day. Wear your favorite jersey to show support for the Humbolt Broncos who suffered a horrible accident this past weekend.

Language Arts - This week we will be starting a Narrative Writing activity.

Math - we will be working in Math centers for Fractions and Decimals. We are going to have a test on Thursday.

Music - We will continue our practice for the Musical Festival.

Let's have another Superstar week!

Welcome back Superstars! I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter Weekend and four days off of school!  This week we are going to be working hard on our Musicals Festival Choral Reading. We only have 2 weeks to make this perfect! I know we can do this.

Language Arts - this week we are going to finish our Word Work writing activity.

Math - We are going to finish our Math  centers for Comparing and Ordering Fractions and then we are going to learn about decimals this week.

Music - We will be practicing for the Music Festival.

Science - We will be working on our Habitat projects.

Let's have another Superstar week!

Posted: March 25, 2018

Welcome back to another great week in GG3/4 SS.  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Congratulations again to Jarrod and Elias for winning Bronze at the District STEM Fair this past weekend.  We are very proud of you!

This is a short week of school. There is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday due to Teacher Professional Development and there is NO SCHOOL on Friday due to Good Friday and next Monday is Easter Monday so there is NO School.

We are going to start preparing for the a Choral Reading for the upcoming Music Festival.

Language Arts - This week we will be focusing on Word Choice in our writing.

Math - We will be learning how to compare and order fractions.

Science- We will be starting a Habitat Project.

Let's have another Supersar week!

Posted: March 18, 2018

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! I am so proud of all of you for the hard work you put into your Stem Fair projects.  You also did a super job presenting them to our guests.  Superstars rock!! 

Ms. Valanne and I will be attending a Math PD on Friday so you will have a supply teacher. Also on Friday, there will be a musical presentation in the gym at 10:00.

Language Arts - This week you will be learning about plural nouns and  you have more practice creating fluent sentences.

Math - We are going to start a unit on Fractions this week.

Science - This week we will have a STEM challenge and we will be starting on new unit on Habitats.

Let's have another Superstar Week!

Posted: March 14, 2018

Remember to bring in supplies that you need to finish you Science projects. Our Grade 3-5 Stem/Science Fair is this Friday afternoon at 1:15. Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit and see the hard work out Superstars have been up to.

Welcome back Superstars!! I hope everyone enjoyed their March Break. I can't wait to hear all about your adventures.  Welcome to our Student Intern, Ms. Valanne. We know you will love us and we can't wait to get to know you better.

Most of this week will be spent on preparing for our school Stem/Science Fair on Friday.  Monday you will have your assigned partner and pick out your experiment. The plan was to spend all day Wednesday and Thursday working on your experiment and display board. Due to the potential of a storm day this week, we will spend all day Tuesday working on our projects.  If you have a poster board you can bring it to school on Tuesday.

Tuesday morning we will have a presentation from the  Department Natural Resources.

This month for our Superstar Board we will be practicing PATIENCE. Part of having patience is not interrupting when two people are talking.  As well as having patience with your classmates when something is not going your way.

Math - We will hopefully be finishing our unit on division.

Language Art - We will have one day of Daily Five and spend the rest of the time preparing for the Stem/Science Fair.

Let's have another Superstar Week!!


Posted: February 25, 2018

It is Winterfest Week at Gretna Green and the last week before March break! It is going to be great week! We are participating in outdoor activities tomorrow morning so remember to dress for the weather and bring skates and helmet.

Winterfest Activities -

Monday is Twin Day.

We will be sliding from 9:00-10:00 and Skating from 10:30-11:30.

There will be an Earth Ranger presentation in the afternoon from 1:00 - 2:00.

Tuesday is GG Spirit Day. Show your school spirit by wearing school colors.

Wednesday is Wacky Sock Day.  Wear your wackiest socks for the Sock Hop from 10:00 - 10:45 in the gym.

There is also a free pancake breakfast for all in the morning.

There is NO SCHOOL in the afternoon as there are PD meetings for teachers. Dismissal is at 11:15.

Thursday is Crazy Hat Day.  We will be Snowshoeing from 1:00-2:00.

Fridayis PJ Day. There will be a teacher vs student floor hockey game in the gym at 1:30.

In between all the fun activities we will be finishing up our unit on division and finishing and presenting our Canadian Provinces projects.

Let's have another Superstar week!!



I hope everyone enjoyed their Family Day long weekend.  There are only two weeks left before March Break. 

Congratulations Superstars you have earned a week with No Homework b practicing the words "Excuse Me". Well done!!

Science East will be at Gretna Green this week. On Wednesday and Thursday there will be indivdual class workshops and on Wednesday night Science East will be open to the public in our gymnasium from 6:00- 7:30.

Language Arts - This week we will be learning about plural nouns.

Math - We will be learning about division and Grade 4 will be learning about division with a remainder.

Social Studies - We will be finishing up our Canadian Provinces projects so they are ready to present next week.

Let's have another Superstar week!!

Posted: February 11, 2018

Happy Valentine's Week ...on Valentine's Day, Wednesday, we will have a short celebration from 1:15 - 1:50. You will have an opportunity to exchange valentines with your classmates and celebrate this special day.

Remember to keep studying your 6 and 7 times table.

Girl's Basketball - Last week's jamboree has been re-scheduled to this Thursday. All games are at King Street school.  Our girls play at 3:30 and 7:30.

Boy's Basketball - Boys have a game on Tuesday @ Max Aitken. Game time is 3:45.  The boys will also be attending the Jamboree on Thursday. Boys games are at 3:30 and 5:30.

Our Supestar board is almost full.  We will be able to pick out a new reward this week. Many of you are starting to use the words "Excuse Me" more oftern.  Great work!!

Language Arts - This week we will be working on Sentence Fluency.

Math - Our storms day last week put us a bit behind so we will finish working on multiplication of two digits by one and strategies for the six and seven times table.  We will also be starting division this week.

Social Studies - We will continue working on our Canadian Provinces projects.

Let's have another Superstart week.

Posted: February 4, 2018

Here comes February and all the fun that comes with it. Valentine's day is only 9 days away! I will be sending home a class list in case you want to prepare Valentine Cards for your classmates.

We will be moving on to the 6 and 7 times table in our homework this month.

Monday afternoon there will be an Earth Rangers presentation in the gym.

Basketball this week - there is a jamboree for both boys and girls on Thursday at King St. Elementary School. Girls play at 3:30 and 7:30 and boys play at 3:30 and 5:30.

Big congratulations go out to ALL our SUPERSTARS!! You did an awesome job competing in the Arcademic Cup.  I am very proud of you.  Unfortunately I don't think we won any prizes but our top 10 class list for points was... 1. Elias 2. Michael 3. Cohen 4. Kaden 5. Caleb. 6. Mirinda 7. Gracie 8. Alexander 9. Trenton 10. Luke

Language Arts - We are going to finish being Vowel Detectives.  Last week we didn't have a chance to finish.

Math - We are going to finish multiplication and start looking at division.

Social Studies - We are going to continue to work on our Canadian Province Projects.

Science - We have another STEM Challenge we are going to attempt this week called "Puff Mobile"

Let's have another Superstar Week!

Wow, the last week in January...this month flew right by. I hope everyone had a great weekend. The Arcademic Cup take places this week on Thursday and Friday.  To get points for the Cup you have to play Grand Prix Multiplication during these two days.  We will devote some school time for this and if you have an opportunity to play at home that will help you get more points too!  We are going to plan to skate again on Thursday afternoon if the weather and rink conditions permit.

Language Arts - This week we will be Word Dectives searching for vowel sounds.  Each day we will work with a different vowel sound.

Math - This week we will learn how to double the 3 times table to get answers for th 6 times table. We will also be learning what multiples are and we will continue learning how to multiply two digit numbers by a one digit number.

Social Studies - We will complete our research on our Provinces and begin to prepare our presentations.

Let's have another Superstar week!

Posted: January 24, 2018

Please note that we will not be going skating on Thursday afternoon due to ice conditions. We will pick another day next week to go.

Welcome to another great week in GG3/4 SS. We are still working on saying "excuse me" when we need to interrupt two people who are talking.  I have seen many of you putting this manner into practice...well done! We are going to try to go skating on Thursday afternoon if the rink and weather permits. A note will be sent home to inform your parents.

Girls basketball this week..we have a Jamboree at Dr. Losier. Our games times are 3:30 and 5:30.

Boy's basketball this week.. King St. play Gretna Green @GG on Tuesday at  3:45

Language Arts - This week we will be focusing on reading comprehension activities and long and short vowel searches. 

Math - Grade 3 students will continue working on multiplication facts to 5 and Grade 4 students will be learning how to multiply two digit numbers.  We will also review how to use doubling to figure out a multiplication fact.

Social Studies - We are going to start learning facts about our province of New Brunswick. This will help prepare us for our group projects on the Canadian projects.

Let's have another Superstar Week!
