Happy Monday!
It is the last week of January and it looks like the weather might be warming up a bit! Hopefully we will be going outside again at lunch time, so please ensure that your child is properly dressed for the chilly weather! We are introducing a new sight word: “and”. When you are reading with your child, please ask them if they can find the world “and” on the page. Also, poetry books with a brand new poem will be sent home on Wednesday. Please read this poem with your child and have them show you how to write the word “and”. In Math, we are learning all about “Comparing Lengths”. “Short and Tall” and “Long and Short.” Check your childs home folder for some worksheets and fun crafts! I will also add a “weblink” to this page to allow you to play a game with your child at home to see if they can show you the difference between short and tall. We are still learning all about The 5 Senses. We have been introduced to: Smell, Taste, Hearing and this week, we will learn about Sight. A fun game to play at home would be "I Spy". You could also put a blindfold over your childs eyes and have them carefully navigate around a room to see what the world without our sense of sight would be like.
Have a marvelous week!!!